Chapter 1

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"What would I do without your smart mouth?

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out

You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

What's going on in that beautiful mind

I'm on your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright.

My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me

Loves all of-"

It felt like a waterfall of ice cold water hit me. Turned out it wasn't a waterfall but a bucket full of water splashing down on my body. I jumped out of my lounger in chock and then noticed the two boys laughing their asses off.

"Oh my god! Eric what the hell!" I yelled

"You should have seen your face" he managed to get through between laughs

I groaned, picked up my phone and my headphones that I had dropped and stomped inside to change into dry clothes. I silently promised them that I would get back at them.

My brother and Tobias, his idiot best friend, had been playing tricks like these on me all summer and I was getting tired of them.

I angrily slammed the bathroom door shut behind me and threw my soaked clothes on the floor. I took a towel and started to dry my long hair. I inspected myself in the mirror as I was doing this, and it was the same brown eyed girl with long dark hair staring back at me as usual.

I didn't look much like my brother at all. He was two years older than me and very handsome in most peoples' eyes. He had light brown hair and forest green eyes and all girls fell to his feet at first sight. And I was just me. Short as hell, brown eyes, long wavy hair that never seemed to be in the right place and has never had a boyfriend that hasn't turned out to be gay or a selfcentered douche.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. I peeked into the living room on my way to my own room. My brother sat on the couch talking to someone on the phone, but Tobias was nowhere to be seen. I walked up the stairs looking over my shoulder to make sure my brother didn't notice me. I wasn't in the mood to hear his mocking comments yet. As I reached the top of the stairs I let out a small sigh of relief. I turned around and bumped into someone, almost falling down the stairs. But this someone grabbed my arm and hindered me from tumbling down to a possible death. I looked up into his annoyingly piercing blue eyes and yanked my arm away from his grip as soon as I regained my balance. I shot him a glare and pushed past him walking to my room and shutting the door.

I pulled out a pair of sweat shorts and a tank top and threw them on. I put up my messy hair into a ponytail, grabbed my phone and walked out of my room.

I jumped a little when I almost walked straight into Tobias that had been waiting outside of my bedroom door.

"Oh my god, seriously?! Do you like like to be run into all the time or something?" I asked him throwing my arms up in the air.

"Well do you like running into me all the time?" he asked with a smirk.

"No, I don't, it's very annoying. Now could you move?"

"Wow, someone's in a bad mood"

"Yeah, all thanks to you and my brother" I said pushing past him.

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