Chapter 2

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Everyone kept waiting and hoping for the day Peter would gather them all together and tell them he had decided not to join the army. But that day never came. The three weeks leading up to Peter's eighteenth birthday were miserable. Everyday he would stop at the school office and ask if a letter had come in. The only letters he got were the weekly ones from Mum. That was the other thing that was on his mind. How am I going to tell Mum? Susan's right, she'll be heartbroken.

Finally Peter's birthday rolled around. Susan had instructed him to show up at the girl's dorm at 7:00. It was currently 6:54. Peter had just enough time to make his daily stop at the office. "Hullo. Is there any mail addressed to Peter Pevensie?" He asked the secretary. "Just a moment please." She said and went into one of the back rooms. She returned shortly holding an envelope. "Hoping to join the army?" She asked handing him the letter. "Yes m'am." Peter replied as he anxiously ripped open the envelope. "Thank you." He said as he left the office. He pulled out the formal looking letter and read it as he headed up the stairs. He had been accepted. He stuffed the letter into his pocket as he neared the girl's door. He knocked. Edmund opened the door and let him in.

The table was set displaying a small store bought cake. "Happy birthday!" His three siblings greeted. He smiled, knowing this might be the last birthday he would ever share with his family. Everyone tried to act happy, but inside they were all hurting a little. "We should call Mum later." Susan suggested. There was a phonebooth right outside the school building. The children didn't have much money, so they only used it once in a while. Peter nodded in agreement. After everyone was finished eating Peter opened his presents. They were small gifts, again because of the lack of money, but he would treasure them.

Peter took in a deep breath. He knew it was time to tell his siblings about the letter. "Let's go call Mum!" Lucy said anxiously. She stood up, ready to go. "Wait." Peter said. "I have to tell you something first." Susan and Edmund exchanged worried glances across the table. Peter took another deep breath. "I got a letter from the army today." He said pulling it out of his pocket. Lucy knew what he was going to say, and didn't want to hear it. She jumped up from the table and ran out of the dorm. "Lucy!" Peter dropped the letter on the table and ran after her. Susan reached forward and picked up the envelope. She opened it and pulled out the letter with shaky hands. She read it aloud. "Dear Peter Pevensie, We would like to congratulate you on your acceptance into the military." That was all she could read without breaking down in tears. Edmund stared at his feet. His head was spinning with concern and fear.

Peter caught up with Lucy who was sitting on a bench at the back of the school. He sat down next to her.

"Lu, I know you don't want me to leave, but it's what's best for me right-"

"Maybe it's what's best for you, but what about us? You said you'd never leave us. You told me you'd always be there no matter what. Isn't that what family is for?"

Lucy interrupted, then she stood up and started walking away hurriedly. "Lucy!" Peter chased after her. When he caught up he stood in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Isn't family also supposed to support each other? Why can't you just be proud of me Lu?"

"I am proud of you! It's really brave of you to be willing to do this, but it's so dangerous, and I'll just miss you, so much."

She threw her arm around his waist and squeezed tight, never wanting to let go.

"I know, I'll miss you too Lucy, but there's nothing to worry about. I've fought in many Narnian wars before."

"Yes, but this is way different. There's so many more advanced weapons...and..and." Lucy was now crying too hard to speak. "Shhh.." Peter held her close. "It'll be okay Lu, I promise."

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