Chapter 1

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"Ugh! I can't take it anymore!" Peter slumped down on the bottom bunk of the bed. "What now?" Edmund dropped his pencil on top of his open text book. "I can't concentrate, my grades are plummeting, there's just no escape from the stressful environment! Think about it Ed," Peter now sat up and faced his brother. "When do we ever get to have freedom and just do what we want? We're stuck here in this boarding school until we graduate, but it doesn't end there. After that we move on to a university. And that's not even the worst part. We never get to see the girls anymore."

Edmund pondered his brothers words. It was hard for Edmund to put himself in his brother's shoes. They were completely different. School came easily to Edmund, and he wasn't as anxious for independence. Peter, on the other hand, was sick and tired of the stressful environment of the boarding school.

"Ed, I've made up my mind." Peter stood now, with his thumbs tucked into his pockets. "I'm joining the military."

"Pete, we've already been over this. You know Mum wouldn't hear of it, and neither would any of us."

"Edmund I've made up my mind. This is not what I want to be stuck doing the rest of my life." He extended his arms, motioning around him. "If I can't fight in Narnian battles than this is my next best option."

Edmund sighed. He knew there was no stopping Peter now. "How are you gonna break it to the girls?" He asked. "I don't know. I'll face that bridge when I come to it." Peter began to pace the room. He knew exactly what his sisters would say.

Susan would start off by reminding him how much it would break Mum's heart, and how different it would be from Narnian wars. Then she would tell him how he could have a much more successful future if he continued in his studies and went on to apply at a university. Then there was Lucy. Her reaction was the one that broke his heart the most. All she would say is "I'll miss you." Then she would hug him tight and hold a sad expression on her face until he changed his mind, even if it took weeks. And that's exactly how the conversation went on Saturday evening when the Pevensie children were gathered in the girls dorm.

"Don't worry Lu, I'm sure it's just another one of his phases." Susan reassured her. "No! It's not just a phase! I'm serious! My eighteenth birthday is in three weeks. I'll go apply tomorrow, by the time I know if I'm accepted I will have turned eighteen." Peter conjured up a plan.

Now Susan was very concerned. Normally she knew Peter wouldn't end up actually joining the army, but this time was different. Somthing just told her that this was real. Maybe it was the look in his eyes, or the distressed expression on his face, or just the way he spoke so stubborn and boldly.

"You are serious about this aren't you?" She asked in a shaky voice. "Yes. I know I've brought this up many times before, but I've made up my mind. I am joining the army for sure this time." The room felt suddenly empty and cold. Susan blinked continuously to keep a tear from slipping away. Lucy bit her lip to stop it from quivering. "I'll tell the school tomorrow after I go down town to apply." Peter said solomly. Lucy stood abruptly and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Susan gave Peter a sad "look what you've done" glare before leaving her chair to comfort Lucy. Peter sighed, then left the dorm. He knew this was going to be tough, but he also knew it was what was best for him.

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