"Ah, no I definitely do not want to share those. I do know of something that can help though." He had a glint in his eyes as he spoke.

"If its sex, I doubt very much you'll want to be going anywhere near me because I'll more than likely come on by tonight or tomorrow morning." She sighed, this would be her first time since her implant had stopped all this for the last three years.

"Oh liebe, a little bit of blood won't stop me." He removed his sunglasses to look at her and sat them on top of his baseball cap.

"Seriously?" Her mouth fell open.

"You think I can go the best part of a week without being inside you?" He lowered his voice as people swept past them. "I'm not doing that again."

"I don't know, it was kinda hot when we finally did do it." She thought back to their pool table session in Monaco. "You seriously would still want to....you know, when I'm on?"

"Most definitely." He looked at her lips, wanting to kiss her. "I cannot get enough of you schatzi, you know that." They started to walk again and soon reached the set up media area. Seb sat down on a high stool and Chloe handed him a microphone before starting up her dictaphone while Silvia in charge of the waiting journalists.

"Hi Sebastian, starting off with a personal question, any baby news yet?" A red haired woman asked. "You know everyone is on bump watch at the moment."

"No comment." He replied very quickly. Chloe sighed, her thinking that they'd moved on from the baby rumours was obviously wrong. Maybe he should tell them that there was no baby and then people would leave them alone.

"I'm from The Express, UK, any truth in the rumours we keep hearing about you possibly retiring at the end of the season?" Another retirement question. She rolled her eyes and then noticed Seb look her way so she discreetly tried to make a rude hand gesture. She saw the corners of his mouth twitch before he answered.

"As I've already said, I have never said anything about quitting this year. I'm very hungry and I have a mission here to win. That's really the only thing that matters to me, winning with Ferrari, and that's what I'm working for. Currently we are not winning, you can do the maths, so we still have something to do." He replied. She continued trying to make him laugh for the next twenty minutes as he was asked about his expectations for the race, his hopes for catching up to Mercedes and what the team had planned to try and turn their season around. She kept pulling a variety of faces and very nearly succeeded as he started to chuckle and then coughed as if he was trying to disguise it. As Silvia gave a final check to see if there was anymore questions Chloe could see he was keen to get away. Thankfully there were no more questions and Seb thanked everyone before making a beeline for her.

"I nearly got you!" She grinned and nudged into him as they walked towards his garage. "I loved how you coughed to stop yourself from laughing!"

"I was trying to remain serious but I could constantly see you standing there." He shook his head in amusement. "Did you enjoy trying to make me laugh?" He jabbed his fingers into her sides knowing that she was fatally ticklish there, causing her to squeal loudly.

"You've got to admit, it made it more fun. Well for me it did." She turned and began walking backwards as they talked.

"Oh, boring you was I?" He arched a brow at her.

"One thing that I can never accuse you of Sebastian Vettel, is being boring." She smiled. "I love every second that I spend with you."

"Good because you're stuck with me." He grinned and suddenly lunged at her, scooped her up off of her feet and hoisted her over his shoulder.

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