Chapter 2.

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Title: The Glass Doll

Parings: Peter Pan/Wendy (Peter Pan), Lucrezia/Cesare (The Borgias)

Word count: 549

Summary: What shines like diamonds in the sunlight, or sprinkles like rain when it gets shattered?

Author's note: Hi everyone! I hope that everything is good, and that you're enjoying the autumn. I have gotten a feeling that this story might take a different way then what I had planned for it, but I do hope that you will like the outcome of it anyway :)

Love MMA

We walked through the forests, leafs were dancing with the wind. Most of the leafs on the ground thought had already gotten brown or red, but the temperature had luckily not been too bad.

Peter led me to a glade with a big tree surrounded by some little ones opposite of us and said “Well, this is where I live.”

His hand showed a big and complex treehouse going from where the branches began and up to the top of the great tree. At different places the treehouse even went over to some of the smaller trees, and to get up there you had to use a narrow stairway going around the great trees trunk.

“It’s like a fairy tale!” I stuttered while walking into the glade. “Yeah, only that it isn’t” Peter said, and may I add, a bit proudly.

Peter sat down opposite of me while handing me a wooden cup of what was supposed to be tea. Peter had added while make it that it was his own recipe, but against all odds, it tasted… good.

Peter sat there in a well-worn chair, if I even could call it a chair, and looked at me ever some dreamily. At least I hope it was one of those looks, because he looked ever so dreamily with the sun going down behind him, sipping on his tea.

He was the one who finally broke the silence. “I’ve had people staying here before, lost ones, like you…” He added after seeing my questioning face expression. “But. But, you are different.” He stopped as if I was to defend myself, but what had I to defend myself against. He was right.

“You see, not only are you a girl, but you are under a curse as far as I have understood.” A girl? I wondered. Weren’t girls a normal sight anymore? Thankfully he answered me as I was to ask about the part with that I was a girl. I really had to stop making those face expressions, I told myself, if I ever were to survive my curse. “Yeah, there are mostly boys who get as lost as this. Not that you are totally lost or anything!” He quickly added. “If you say so” I answered softly.

“However, what I was going to say was that I am afraid I don’t know how to break the your spell, but you can stay here for as long as you want to. Just follow the stairs over there until you reach the floor above this and then right. That room will be yours for as long as you wish.” The he put down his cup in the sink and walked over to the stairs. “I will soon be back, but do go to bed… There is no need to stay up.” I gave him a smile and we parted, each going in the different direction.

I was more or less on the top floor, over the floor with my bedroom was only the roof, but it had stairs which led up to it. I never went up to check the view that night. I just went straight to bed and dossed of immediately. Dreaming a dream about being a deer living in the forest, seeing the seasons change and come back again the following years.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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