Bela (look at Mahir then others): It's my ambition Pratham. will you all be with me?

All: obviously!!

Mahir: but what is the reason Bela? I very well know ambition is the word you use to do this research. But something else is running in your mind.

Bela (took deep breath): Mahir frankly, I don't know. But my heart is overwhelming to come here.

Boltu: what overwhelming? How could you bela?

Bela: I don't know why.

All remained silent, as all just heard one unbelievable story but they believe, as it was their friend who said that. Also, they all just thought one thing, have to make sure Bela is safe. As all afraid, she may do anything out of eagerness and they don't wanna let her in danger. Yuvi broke the silence after long.

Yuvi: ok ok, leave all that. Let's have some sleep.

Adi: Yes!! Girls are in one room in upstairs, it has double size bed, it is big enough for you three. Then, me, Yuvi and Boltu in guest room, it too...

Boltu (interrupt): definitely not!! I won't sleep with you. Pratham will...

Pratham (Interrupt): not at all!! I won't sleep with them.

Mahir: ok, Iwill sleep with them. You two share that room.

Yuvi (innocently): fine let's sleep. ammm, I forget to tell,Boltu,that room has small hole in it. It is big enough for snake to come inside. Ok Good night!! Naag dreams!!

Boltu and Pratham: what!!No, then we will sleep in living room only.

Suhani: enough of your pranks, Adi and Yuvi. He is just making fun of you. Go and sleep, nothing like that there.

Boltu: Yu...

Suhani: I told you guys to go and sleep.

She told strictly to boys or else they will continue their act even till midnight. Everyone went to their rooms and fell asleep due to travel nearly one whole day. Next day, boys woke up and got fresh up and went to living room.

Boys: Good morning girls!!

Bela and Suhani from Kitchen: Good morning guys!!

Suhani made coffee for them and gave it to them. Adi's eyes searched for someone and failed to find that person.

Adi: it seems like for someone it's not yet dawn.

Bela: yeah, Adi she is sleeping. Let her sleep na. It's almost done yar. She mighy be tired.

Bela told sensing playful smirk in Adi and Yuvi's face. But they like always didn't listen her.

Yuvi: you guys carry on, we will come after making our sleeping beauty more beautiful.

Mahir: hey guys, let her sleep yar.

They didn't hear him and went to upstairs and entered the room with silent steps and started waking her. She didn't even move her eyelids after they both even pushed her out of bed.

Yuvi: turn off that fan, she will wake with jolt.

Adi: yeah, but wait a minute ah, let's do a little touch up to her.

Life After Life - Our LOVE never DIES |𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐑|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora