Harry potter AU

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(Finn is gonna play a character in this named Oliver sooo. Yeah)

Everyone in my house is asleep. I look at the giant clock over the fireplace. 1:39 in the morning. Perfect.

I make my way out of the Slytherin house and to Hufflepuff. On the other side of hogwarts. See, I'm looking for Oliver. My boyfriend. And yes. He is a Hufflepuff, and I am a Slytherin. A lot of people hate that I am dating a Hufflepuff. I don't care though.

I wait by the grand hall entrance as I hear soft footsteps coming toward me. "Hey. It's Oliver." A voice says. I turn around and see a tall, dark haired boy standing in front of me.

I pull him into a hug. "I missed you" I whisper. "I missed you too."   "What do you want to do now?" 
"I don't know." Oliver takes my hand.  We both start strolling though the halls and make small talk. "I have an idea." I say.

"Hmm?" Oliver hums.
"I want to show you the Slytherin house."
"No. No no. They will rip me to pieces. Not happening." Oliver protested.
"Please. You snuck me into the Hufflepuff house many times. I want to show you the Slytherin house."

After a few minutes of begging, I convinced Oliver to come with me.
I opened the door quietly.
"Here it is."  I say proudly.

"It's freezing in here." Oliver states. "I know. We like it this way though."

I gesture Oliver to come to bed with me. I take his hand and lay down next to him. I cuddle Oliver and hold him tightly as his arms are around my waist.

"Still cold?" I ask.
"No not anymore."

"Is this place always cold?"  Oliver asked.
"It's just we are under a lake. So yeah. It is."
"We're under a lake?"

"Look up" I say.

Oliver looks up from the bed. "Oh my-
Oliver sees the glass separating the mermaids and us.
"Yeah. Mermaids." I say.
"You want to know something?" I say staring at Oliver as he looks up in awe.

"They're all named"
"Yeah....because that one is always mean to the others, Draco named her Dolores. After Umbridge...and that one is Seamus. And it's obvious who named him."
"Yep. And then.......here he is."
A smaller sized mermaid swims to the glass, directly above us. "That is Oliver."

Oliver looked at me. "You named him after me?"

"Because he's the most unique out of them."
I nod at the mermaid overhead. It starts to swim in circles as a vision of stars show through the bubbles the mermaid is making.

"Because were under the lake, we can't see the stars, so Oliver brings them to us. Just how you brought the stars to me."I say.

"That was the most beautiful thing over ever heard."
"Yeah. Well I'm not that well with words sometimes."
"Wrong. Everything you say is beautiful in my eyes." Oliver says.

I can't help but blush.

After a few hours of talking, kissing, and cuddling, we eventually fall asleep together, as the artificial stars gleam above us.


Yo! I found out Finn is a Hufflepuff from one of the live streams he and nick does. So I was kinda inspired by that.


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