Marla Meets Stan and Francine

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Marla and the Cowboys are still at the Smith house as Stan and Francine came.

Stan said, "Who are you?"

Marla said, "I'm Marla, and this is Sean, Leighton, Jason and Travis."

Francine said, "How are you doing guys?"

Stan said, "I'm Stan, the CIA, and this is my wife Francine."

Marla said, "I got the peanut butter brownie for a friend of mine."

Francine said, "I love peanut butter brownie."

Roger said, "You know Marla said she likes to hear country music at the same time while the boys needs to listen to Rock."

Marla said, "I'll be outside, where's your kids?"

Stan said, "Outside."

Marla said, "Thank you Stan."

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