Marla Meets Roger and Klaus

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Roger, the alien, and Klaus, the fish, saw Marla hanging out with four Dallas Cowboys players, Jason Witten, Travis Frederick, Leighton Vander Esch and Sean Lee.

Roger said, "Who are you?"

Marla said, "I'm Marla."

Roger said, "I'm Roger, and this is Klaus."

Marla said, "Hi, Roger and Klaus."

Klaus said, "I was the Olympic Skier back in '86."

Marla said, "Klaus, don't say that, this is Jason, Sean, Leighton and Travis."

All said, "Hi, Roger and Klaus."

Roger said, "Come inside."

Marla was with Klaus while Roger had his disguise as Troy Bakeman, the parody of Troy Aikman.

Roger said, "This is where I got my disguise, hi, I'm Troy. you know what I mean?"

Jason said, "I got a comeback with my good friends, especially Leighton, the newbie."

Leighton said, "I'm no Newbie, this is my second year."

Marla said, "So where are the grownups?

American Dad Meets MarlaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora