It was nice to see her making a voice of what she felt and coming out of her box slightly. But she was wrong on this.

"He'll attack...." I said, gaining everyones attention "trust me on that"

"He had fish tanks full of heads....walkers and human...trophies...he's coming" Michonne added.

A moment of silence passed between us before Glenn spoke up again "We should hit him now, he won't be expecting it, we should sneak back in and put a bullet in his head"

Clearly he wasn't thinking this through.

"Your jumping the gun, we don't even have the manpower or the guns to do that. We had the element of surprise the first time, but they're watching for us now" I said.

Glenn walked up to Michonne and I "you guys know where his apartment is. We could end this tonight " he said.

Michonne sighed, clearly not fond of his idea either, but she hated the Governor to much to say no. She just nodded her head yes.

I looked at her "Mish you haven't even thought this through "

"Rick won't allow this" Hershel said.

"You really think Rick is in his right mind to make that choice?" Glenn added, venom in his voice for his hatred.

"I'm asking you to think this through when you have a clear head" Hershel explained, trying to do what he does best. But hate is a strong thing, hard to deter.

Maggie walked off, to stressed by the whole situation. "Fine....we will stay put, but we are defending this place, taking a stand " Glenn said before walking away and out the door.

I followed Maggie down the cell block and entered her cell softly.

"Hey.." I said softly.

She looked over at me and then looked back to the floor "Hey.." she replied.

"Are you okay....I understand how you feel...after what you went through...and it's okay not to feel okay for awhile...but your stressed...and everyone is worried about you and Glenn" I said, leaning my head on her shoulder like old times.

She shrugged "Glenn and I are fine...he's just so angry, he isn't thinking things through, being reckless....and I just from everything to cope with what happened" She said.

I nodded my head "He loves you...that's why he's so angry...but I agree with you, he's being reckless with his anger...which is dangerous...but you have to think about how he feels to...he blames himself for not being able to protect you at that time...I would be angry and upset like him to" I said, trying to help her see his side.

She nodded her head, not saying a word to me. I understood her pain all to well. And coping is the hardest part of it.

Glenn suddenly appeared in the doorway and I stood up, patting her shoulder and walking out, patting his on the way.

I went back to my cell for a bit, crawling up onto my bunk and laying down, taking a 10 minute cat nap to rest my eyes.

After pulling my boota back on I followed Hershel out to the courtyard where he followed Glenn, talking to him and trying to calm him with his words of wisdom.

By the end of it I stood with Hershel, looking out past the fences at Rick who just paced.

"I think he's hallucinating" I said, arms crossed over my chest as the sun beat down on my skin.

Hershel nodded "Over the last few days since Lori's death, I've suspected as much" he said.

"Maybe you should try talking to always had a way with words" I said, scanning the forest for any of the Governors men. I had this feeling sinking over me, like something bad was about to happen.

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