Chapter one

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I pick up my phone to see who was calling me. It was Millie. I answered her saying, "Yes Millie?"

"Aren't you excited for tomorrow?!?!"

"Yeah, I finally get to see you guys after like a couple months of doing nothing except for going to modeling shoots and all that stuff. Are you excited?'

"Umm, hello! I am!"

We started to laugh.

"Well. I have to go and get changed. I'm going to play with my sister."

"Alright, I will see you in a couple of days Sadie."

"Ok, I will see you in a couple of days too Millie."



I hang up the phone and sigh. I get up and went to my closet. I looked through it and found my outfit. It was a white shirt with button up overalls. I take my hair out of a messy bun and walk downstairs and eat an apple before I told my mom I was going to the park to play with my sister.

I grab my skate board and left. When I was taught how to skate board, I fell in love with it. I skated down the sidewalk and finally arrived to park to see my sister.



She ran to me and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Ok, ok. Your squeezing me!" I said.

She giggled and let go.

"Come on! Come on!" She said pulling me to the swings.

I go to the swings and she sits on the swings. I push her on the swings and then went to sit down on the swings.

"You tire me out, little girl." I say panting.

She just laughed. "Push me higher!"

"You want to fly in the sky, don't you?"


I laughed a little. I pushed her higher until I heard my name being called three times by three different people.




I turn around and see Caleb, Mitchell, and Spencer, my three older brothers.

"Hey guys and I see that Spencer still dresses like Spencer from I Carly."

They all laughed.

"Yeah, he still watches the show. Believe it or not." Said Mitchell.

"Yeah, but I have to go home because i have to pack my bags and get on the jet tomorrow."

"Ok, we will see ya later." Spencer said.

"BYE!! I LOVE YOU!" Jacey screamed.

"BYE JACEY!! I LOVE YOU TOO!!" I screamed back.

I got on my skateboard and went home.

I walked inside. "Hey Mom, I'm home!" I said.

"Hey sweetie, how was the park?"

"It was fun. I got to see Spencer, Caleb and Mitchell."

"Oh, that's cool. But, go and pack your bags for tomorrow."

"I already did mom. And the only thing I need to do is just pack my charger and that's it. I need to charge my phone."

"Ok, you can do whatever you want."

I smiled at my mom. I run up to my room and start to do light exercise.


I jump in the shower and go back to my room and got changed into my pjs. I went back to my room and started to read a book. It was called Bag of Bones by Stephen King.

I later grew tired and went to bed. And in a couple of seconds. I fell alseep.

when I first saw you A Soah Story (Noah x Sadie)Where stories live. Discover now