Chapter 1

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The noise coming from the living room upstairs carried down the small underground basement where Arthur was sitting at his old desk.

He sighed as he heard the other countries singing songs and laughing together.He couldn't understand why no one had come yet to offer him a drink.

Besides it's not like he was even invited to the gathering. When England went up before everyone just stared and told him to stop 'ruining' the mood with his depressing face.

At that they all fell into a fit of laughter as poor England sulked of to the kitchen to get some tea and biscuits.

After the laughter died down he made way back to his room to get a good night's rest but after closing his eyes for a couple minutes he could still hear the loud music emanating from living room.

After failing to fall asleep he wondered down to his basement and that's where he has been for nearly 3 hours now, all by himself.

He had finished his paperwork and was now staring blankly at a stuffed deer head at the back of the room, the English man tilted his head to the side as he remembered killing the innocent creature back in 1867 as it reads on the soft wood.

He then wonders If that deer had any family. Just out of the blue he can remember the stag sheltering his doe and calf from the man with the axe.

Arthur sits there realising that pretty much all the family he had left, had left because they didn't like him or being ruled by him. Nobody really bothered with him these days.

Maybe if he made himself strong or handsome or even smarter then he could be noticed again as a valiant ruler...Yes!

So he started mixing potions and creating new ones to transform his dull form into the Adonis of the countries."This will be amazing!" He exclaimed.

"But what if this doesn't work?" He pondered. The finished product was sitting right in front of him.

He poured it into a small vile and put it in his pocket for drinking later. He stood up, turning around to look at the deer before walking to the door and leaving the room."This will be good..." He mumbled "I hope".

He slowly sneaked down the stairs and through the hall but he heard commotion by the kitchen so he sprinted through the door and into the night.



So this is kinda my first fanfiction so the first chapter probably sucks so sorry. If you we're wondering what pairing this is then you may or may not be happy to know that it is pretty much englandxall ally members.

Hadn't seen it done before so I thought I might try and write some of my ideas. idea is not copyrighted or anything so you can take it.

Ellie :I xxx

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