Isabella sat up straight and flashed us a confused look as she glanced back and forth between Xander and me, "Wait, what? Seriously?"

"Yeah sorry, babe. I need some bro time with this one," he grinned, turning his head towards me and planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"You're joking, right?" She questioned. I could see that she was genuinely upset about this, her boyfriend bailing on her to go to a concert that he didn't even mention to her. I'd be upset, too.

"We're just kidding," I laughed, earning a chuckle from Xander as I wiped my cheek with the back of my hand. I patted him on the back and stepped towards the fridge. "And to answer your question, yes it is time for the concert, but no, Niall is not my boyfriend."

"Yes he is. You two sing and dance together every morning in the kitchen. No two guys," she paused, drawing her brows together and pointing her between Xander and me. "Besides you two, would ballroom dance with each other and sing in each other's faces. Nice try, though. You're not fooling me."

I rolled my eyes as I dug through one of the kitchen drawers, looking for my key, "Yeah whatever."

Xander made a couple comments that I wasn't really paying attention to, and Isabella kept going on and on about Niall. And then she randomly started talking about Summer and her friends that she met at the birthday party and the 'really hot guy with the face of a god that punched me right here in the kitchen,' which obviously was Zayn. Even Xander was agreeing with her about how good looking Zayn was.

If I was being honest, I would agree with them, too. I mean, I don't think there's anyone that could even try and deny Zayn's superior looks. He makes everyone else look like garbage.

A couple minutes later, there was a knock at the front door. By this point, the three of us were sitting at the kitchen counter and chatting away, so once we heard the knocking, Isabella got up from her stool and opened the door.

I always had to laugh at how much she acted as if she actually lived here, which I guess she kind of did live here. She was over here long enough to be a third roommate.

As she opened the door, I could see Niall standing out in the hallway. He excitedly greeted her, bringing her in for a hug before she let him inside. Isabella stood behind Niall as she immediately glanced over at me with an amused look on her face. She didn't even have to say anything for me to understand that in her head she was thinking, 'he's picking you up for your concert date, I told you he was your boyfriend, don't try and deny it.'

"Hey, Harry!" Niall greeted me before waving over at Xander. He looked around the kitchen, starting to walk around the room. "Cool little place you got here. The three of you fit in this little hole here? It's got to be a tight fit, right? How do you do it?"

"Lots and lots of lube," Xander quipped without hesitation.

It took Niall a moment to understand that it was just a joke, and even Isabella had playfully smacked Xander on the head.

"Oh, I get it," Niall burst out in laughter. "That was good."

"I try," Xander smirked as he took a bite of whatever it was that he had been preparing earlier.

I shook my head and started towards the door, "Anyways, I think we'll go now."

I ushered Niall out the door before anymore conversation between Isabella and Xander could be started. I love the two of them to death, but sometimes they just need to cool it or take it down a notch.

Niall and I walked down the hallway and out of the building. He was talking about my place and how nice it seemed. He didn't like the decorations or the fact that the building looked pretty old, but he kept commenting on how he liked the 'weirdly small place.' I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be taken as a compliment, but I thanked him anyways.

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