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Julian was at a bar having a few drinks with Elim, who he was currently dating as usual. He had drank only a few glasses of synthetihol and Elim had drank quite a bit of Earth alcoholic beverages. Elim had started slurring when Julian suddenly had a terrible headache. He walked Elim to his quarters and on the way to his own Julian felt like he was going to vomit.

When he got to his quarters he threw up before drinking some cold water then taking some pain killers and heading to bed. Before he went to sleep Julian noticed that his hands were shaking uncontrollably but he shrugged it off as just needing some sleep. As he slept the air around him felt colder, almost as if the heat was being sucked out of the air yet his skin felt scolding hot. Julian tossed and turned in his sleep and his body felt strange all over. He slept all through the entire night and soon his body temperature didn't feel hot any more.

The next morning when he got up his head felt like he was hit by a phaser blast. His clothes also felt tighter, even on his neck and he felt cold.

"Computer increase lighting by forty percent and increase temperature by thirty degrees." Julian said as he got out of bed.

When the lights turned on they seemed extremely bright and it was making his headache worse.

"Ugh, my head." He thought aloud.

He ran a hand though his hair and saw that his skin was a different color. It was light blue and scaly instead of its normal human Indian tan. Julian quickly rushed to the mirror and gasped.

Instead of a human face he had a cardassian's. Julian had also grown a long tail that was covered in blue scales. At first he thought that he was still asleep and just having a dream but when Julian touched his face he could feel the large scales that outlined his eye sockets. He studied his new body parts and features before getting dressed.

But now his clothes felt tight and uncomfortable on his body.

Julian quickly rushed to Sickbay before any one else woke up to find out what exactly happened to his body.

Elim went to Julian's quarters to see him but when he got there he found out that he was not in his quarters, which was odd since he is usually there at this time. He went to Sickbay to see if Julian was there.

When Elim got to Sickbay he saw a cardassian doctor wearing a uniform that was obviously too small for him with a long blue tail performing a DNA test on himself.

Since when was there a cardassian doctor aboard the DS9 and why would a doctor be performing a DNA test on himself?

There was also something oddly familiar about him.

"Excuse me, have you by any chance seen Dr. Bashi-!?" He taped the doctor on the shoulder and when he turned around he gasped.

The cardassian doctor was actually Julian.

"Julian, what happened to you?!?" Elim asked.

"I don't know, I just woke up and I was a cardassian." Julian answered.

Julian wasn't sure what else to say to Elim or what to do about his situation. The DNA test showed that he was half cardassian and that he was slowly becoming less and less human by the hour. Julian didn't have a lot of options and if he was going to find out what exactly happened to his body he needed help.

Elim got him a set of clothes that actually fit him since some parts of his body had grown and most Star Fleet uniforms aren't designed for people who have tails. Julian was uncomfortable being a cardassian now instead of a human but he didn't want to tell Elim because he thought that it would make him sound like a big racist jerk. He had no idea how to let the rest of the crew know about his condition.

Julian asked Elim not to tell anyone about what has happened to him. Elim agreed and said that if he needed anything he could go to him for help.

He put himself in quarantine he didn't know wether or not his sudden transformation was caused by a diease or some kind of radiation.

Julian was still able to use his equipment but he was still no where closer to finding out how he became a cardassian.

The Command Crew have been waiting for Dr. Bashir to arrive but it has been almost half an hour from the time that he usually arrives. They tried to communicate but he is not responding.

"Computer locate Dr. Bashir." Dax said.

"Dr. Bashir is in Sickbay." The computer answered.

"I'll get him." Kira said as she left.

When she got to Sickbay Garak was standing in front of the entrance to quarantine area. Since Kira hadn't seen Dr. Bashir any where else in Sickbay she suspected that he was in there but why was Garak guarding the entrance.

"Garak, is Bashir in there?" She asked in a stern tone.

"Yes." Garak answered sounding nervous.

"I'm going to check on him!" She said as she walked passed him.

"I wouldn't do that, he's not wanting to be disturbed at the moment." He replied as he tried to stop her.

Kira was shocked to see Dr. Bashir as a cardassian and he seemed surprised that she was there to begin with.

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