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She told me that the ocean,
Was calling out her name,
When the tide went out each evening,
She felt like she should do the same,
The waves tugged at her ankles,
And they pooled arounded her feet,
Whispers of wonders,
That she still was yet to meet,
If she new the reason why,
She simple said this arid world,
Had turned her deep heart dry,
There was just one way she new of,
To finally feel like she was free,
And it was 14,000 feet,
Beneath the cold stormy sea,
Then early in November,
She slipped like water from our hands,
Left noting of her salty breath,
Or her footprints in the sand,
And I hope she found the ocean,
Made up things this world had lacked,
For she left a note to say goodbye,
And then never came back.

հίδδεη ʆίɡհϯ //ϖαϯϯψန2019//Where stories live. Discover now