Quill went in the middle of Gamora and Thor making me walked away from the boys and sat on the table where I was before.

"I feel your pain as well because I mean, it's not a competition, but I have been though a lot. My father killed my mother."

Thor slurped the soup not caring what Quill was saying.

"And then I had to kill my father," Quill said following by a sigh. "That was hard. Probably harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I came out with both of my eyes which was—"

Thor looked at the spoon and cut off Quill, "I need a hammer not a spoon."

He went towards a pod and started to push couple of buttons. "How do I open this thing? Is there some short of, uh four digit code maybe? Maybe a birthdate. Hey mutant, when's your birthday?"

Quill gave me a look to not answer his question while I was starting to get upset that he couldn't remember my name though I already said it to him multiple times.

"It's Arielle," I said, crossing my arms.

"Uh what are you doing?" Quill asked him.

Thor rolled his eyes, "taking your pod."

Quill then stepped forward and cleared his throat. "No, you're not. You will not be taking our pod today, sir."

"Quill are you making your voice deeper?" Rocket asked next to me.

"I think so," I said, answering Rocket's question.


Drax stood in front of Mantis and I, "you are. You're imitating the god man. It's weird."

"No, I'm not."

Mantis gasped, "he just did it again!"

"This is my voice."

Thor came closer to Quill, "are you mocking me?"

"Are you mocking me?"

"Stop it. You just," Thor paused, "you did it again."

"He's trying to copy me."

"I need you to stop doing that."

I rolled my eyes again and started to get a headache from these two. I hopped off the counter annoyed to get a pillow from my room. "You guys are annoying," I replied leaving the room.

"He's doing it first."

"We need to stop Thanos before he gets too powerful to stop." Gamora declared towards the two boys. "Which means we need to find out where he's going next."

"Knowhere," Thor said, walking towards the guardians' food.

"He must be going somewhere," Mantis said confidently.

I enter back into the room, and softly patted Mantis' shoulder after listening to her reply.

"No, no. Knowhere? It's a place. We've been there. It sucks," Quill said with his normal voice now.

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