"Texas, huh" Wash muttered aloud

"I thought that name was reserved.." Carolina said. It was. It was reserved for her.

"Nice moves," Wash said. Carolina just said it could be luck. I shook my head slightly before chuckling at her. She seem to take notice and glare at me. Turning my head to the side like a confused little girl making her growl. Both my eyes flickered slightly to a bright red shade.

I watched in slight amazement as Tex preformed great attacks. The others, except for Carolina, flinched as York was elbowed painfully. Wash commented on it while the cyan coloured amour girl glared at Tex with envy. The voices in my mind began to arise, but I payed no mind to them, knowing I'll miss something important. Plus, I know them enough to know what they're talking about.

The match ended with Tex kicking one of the unlucky guys in the head. They didn't get a direct hit on her at all.

Stone pillar's raised as F.I.L.L.I.S announced that it was the lock down paint next. "Ugh, I Hate that paint" Wash mumbled out, turning to look away from the training field as it rearranged itself.

"Tell me about it. Stings like a -" South agreed but was cut off when one of my voices yelled to block out the bad word.

"Turns your armour hard as a rock," North spoke up.

I stand up properly and stretch my arms. "I wouldn't know. It's not bad if it doesn't hit you" Carolina told them, hinting with a 'I'm-better-then-you', her arms crossed. I nodded in agreement before tilting my head to the side and heard a nice crack and pop as Wash made a sarcastic reply to Carolina.

Ugh, this has been going on forever!!!

It'll end soon. The score is 8 - 0 in her favor


It was as I said to the voices, 8 - 0 for Texas. The three down bellow began to refill the ammo on the paint guns, well only one actually did, York was the one who filled his paint gun. Wyoming had passed a familiar-looking clip to Maine as the round was about to start.

Now it's getting interesting

Oh, no! They're not allowed to use that!!

One of my voices panicked, she remembered what exactly she did before we got here. She loved it and hated it.

The round started and instantly Wyoming and Maine shot real guns at Texas as York was in shock for a second. Texas ran and no bullets hit her when doing so. She shot back with the paint after rolling out of the way of some incoming bullets.

Wash started freaking out when he fully realized what was happening. "Someone should get the Director!" Wash shouted. I shook my head.

"The Director? Who do you think gave them the ammo?" Connie told him. I nodded in agreement.

"Watch your mouth C.T, and B.C, pay attention." Carolina snapped at us. I could fell a smirk on the face of one of the voices in my head.

I missed a little of the fight, but saw when Wyoming passed a grenade to Maine before moving in. The fight was going very fast. Maine got his fist stuck to a pillar when Texas shot it. Wyoming shot many bullets at the girl, one hitting her right arm. She was angered and hit him until he fell down. York put his hand on her shoulder, but was rewarded with more punches. The British man got up and received more shots from the paint gun Texas had before his head got slammed into a stone pillar.

Texas looked at her work and pulled out another gun, walking to York. Maine had broken free from the pink goop and charged at Texas. He slammed his body into the pillar that had Wyoming part way in it, making the top half fly towards Texas and York. They were just out of the way and Texas shot him with the paint, covering him. My eyes then focused what was in his hand. A grenade.

My body reacted to the sight by rushing over to the arena. A loud Boom hits my ears and the angry shouts of my comrades. I was already down there, helping with York as much as I can before the medical team got here. His helmet was broken badly. I saw his face inside the helmet and his eyes wasn't too good.

"York! York!" I heard Carolina shout as she knelled beside me. The team and medics were here. Carolina yelled at the medics to come over here and help the man laying down in front of us. She mumbled something else but I didn't pay attention.

"I can't believe she did that to him. Shot his amour, sacrificed him." South said loudly

"Lock down hardens the amour. She probably saved his life." Wash told South. North replied to the comment, saying it was quick thinking. Carolina agreed about the quick think, but she sounded skeptical.

"Everyone, stand down! Now!" Yelled the Director as he walked through the doorway. His voice was angry at us. I immediately lined up, along with everyone else that wasn't injured. "You should be ashamed at yourselves. I expected you to act as a team." The Director announced as he walked passed everyone.

"They used live ammunition on the floor, sir" Wash told him as he was right in front of him. "That's against regulation,"

"Do you think our enemies will care about regulation on the battle field, Agent Washington?!" The director snapped at him, shocking the rest. I stood in place with out flinching at his words.

"S-So, you're not punishing them?" Wash asked him.

"Ingenuity, and adaptability are admiral traits. You should all learn something from this. Dismissed" He said before leaving us in a daze.

Wow. Now that, was interesting

That was dangerous!

Someone might have gotten hurt! You are the most evil person! Of all time!

Well, of course! Don't you remember our roles in every universe?

Well, I... uh ..that doesn't...umm-


"We should have learned something, alright." C.T. said aloud.

"I can't believe this!" Wash shouted in disbelief. I was tempted to say something but held my tongue.

"Don't forget to check your place on that list, Wash." C.T told him in a 'I-hope-you're-of-it' tone. She left as did the others, except Carolina. She watched as Texas walked, holding her arm and surrounded by three medics dressed differently. My hand reached out to touch her shoulder. Her head turns toward me.

"There are somethings you don't want to find the answers to." I mumble to her as I begin to walk away.


(I don't own the characters or red vs blue. I only own Alexis, Alexia, and Lexi/ Agent BC. Thank you for reading)

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