Chapter 9

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I can't believe this.... I hate that bast-

Hey! Don't say that word! And besides, at least we have a new friend!

Hello, I am Xi. My purpose is to help on the battlefield and in the mind of my owners.

It's nice to have you here Xi, don't worry on what Alexia says, but please try to not  cause an uproar in our head, please.

I will not do as such, I am only to aid you in and out of your minds.

     A sudden jolt brought me out of my conversation in my head with our new A.I. The ship I was in dropped out and was now in the battlefield space. I felt us twisting and turning, dodging enemy fire and space junk floating around.

    Steadily, I stood up, slipping on a jet pack. Everyone else followed in pursuit as Carolina walked out of the front of the ship, finished her conversation with our pilot.

    "You heard her; we're going for the main hanger. Be ready for anything," She ordered us.

    "So much for a smooth ride," North complained.

    "Whats the matter? Feeling sick?" His sister taunted.

    "Hey, I'm not the one that needed a barf bag on all our family trips," He replied. I smile at their little argument. They can still make these talks on missions like this on. As I sat down,

    As I sat down, I carefully watch everyone, specifically C.T who was making small talk with South. She's been so secretive lately, not talking much and always alone or calling 'someone'.

    The ride got bumpy and we stood up, hearing the pilot say that rear door was going to open. We all lined up in the V formation, Carolina at the front.

"Right, all together. Use your packs fairingly. (I don't really know what she said here) Course correction only. You don't want to end up like Georgia," The leader announced. I nodded, confirming my understanding.

"Wait, what happened to Georgia?" Wash asked.

"Nobody knows! Nobody found him." South answered back, adjusting her pack.

"You sure these things are safe?" Wash asked about the packs. North loaded his gun, not answering. I locked and loaded my dual pistols, ready.

    The ship turned around fast, practically forcing us to jump out. Carolina even did a flip as we flew out. Our packs took us to the open landing bay.  We landed inside, the enemy waiting for us. As they started firing at us, I aimed and shot two with my guns at once . Carolina dove straight for them, with a large gravity hammer in hand. She swung it around, knocking down groups of soldiers.

    I felt light all of a sudden while fighting, then realizing that Wash accidentally turned off the gravity. Everything around us began to float up as we activated our gravity boots. The twins ran to the right hopping from one vehicle to the next.

    I ran to the left, running up the walls, firing at all the soldiers within sight. Every shot hit its target with perfection, straight through their helmet.

    Carolina shot her way through the center of the room, using anything to send herself in any direction.

    Wash finally turned the gravity back on as a truck barreled for him. He narrowly missed the armored vehicle.

    We dropped back onto the ground all the enemies laying on the cold floor. Carolina told us they know we're here. She gave everyone their job; Wash and North: Secure the left hallway, South: find the leader's location, me: stay with her.

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