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"You should dance with Patrick," Gerard said.

"He doesn't dance," Pete pointed out, not looking away from his computer. "Ever, apparently."

"You can change that! You're his roommate, he trusts you. You can help him get out of his comfort zone."


"Why not?"

"Guys," Tyler interrupted softly. "We are in a library, remember? Quiet down."

"Sorry," they both whispered.

"Anyway," Gerard continued. "What's the worst that can happen?"

"Patrick can be a little...touchy. I like him, I don't want to force him to do something and then have him shun me for the rest of camp," Pete explained.

Gerard sighed. "Curse you and your respect for other people's boundaries," he said with a smile.

Pete laughed.


Once again, Pete found Patrick sitting against the wall at the dance. It was only fifteen minutes in, so Pete decided to keep him company for a little while.

"Hey roomy." He slid down the wall next to Patrick. "How's it going?"


"What are you doing?"

"People watching," Patrick replied with a small grin.

Pete tilted his head. "Seriously? This is what you do since you don't dance?"

"Yep. Look at that guy over on the right," Patrick said with a nod in that direction.

Pete looked. He was met with the sight of a guy wearing a plaid shirt and Hawaiian shorts doing the Macarena. The Macarena was not playing. "What the fuck?" Pete asked quietly.

Patrick smiled wider. "Exactly."

Pete waited a moment before asking a question that'd been bothering him. "So, why don't you dance?"

"I just don't."

"But is it like, a self-consciousness thing? Because I guarantee you no one gives a shit how you look dancing."

Patrick was silent.

"How about this," Pete began slowly. "You dance for one song. If you hate it, you can come back to your corner and I'll leave it alone for the rest of the term."

Patrick glanced at him. "But?"

Pete waved his hand. "That's it."

"There's no conditions?"

"Nope," Pete said with a shake of his head.

Patrick stared at him. "Okay. Deal." He said softly. "But I get to pick the song," he added.

"Fair enough."

Pete got up a few minutes later when Andy and Joe wandered over and convinced him to come dance. "Come find me when you're ready," he told Patrick when he stood. Patrick just nodded at him, going back to watching the crowd.

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