Nothing Changes

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Everything I see around me is in shades of gray. No color greets me as my eyes shift from one wall to the others.

The musk of the concrete floor seeps into my fur as I lay upon it.

I can't remember when I moved last. Was it an hour ago? Maybe a few days? The answer escapes me.

Keys enter the lock, it turns.

With no motivation to move, the single door opens.

My head doesn't lift from the floor as the sharp scrape of a metal dish slides across to me. Inches away from my face; no huger motivates me to move.

Sweat, dirt, and the slight scent of aftershave. The food giver.

Motionless I lay on the floor, a nudge of the boot on my leg still doesn't move me.

The food giver gives out a huff of frustration, turns around and leaves. The sound of metal keys as the lock turns.

Hard brown food, nothing changes. Flavorless and unappetizing.

Metallic keys and a soft pop before my eyes get heavy and I begin to drift off.

Left to my thoughts I wonder how long I've been asleep. Few hours? A day?

I don't know, I don't care.

Nothing at the zoo ever changes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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