Chapter 2

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Looking at Sera sat across from me she seemed... distressed. "Sera," I began "Please tell me what is on your mind?" I begged.

"The masked man," she stumbled. I lost all expression in my face scared that the incredibly smart ace would figure it out. Just as she said. "John. You know. DON'T YOU?" Avoiding eye contact she growled furiously "Who is it?" 

" Look Sera," I began "I c-can't." Hiding my face as she got closer to me,

"You can I promise - no one else will know." she hinted.

"SERA it's not that simple!" I whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes. "I could never forgive myself if you knew, YOU might never forgive me for anything... I can't let you go." Approaching her, my eyes filling with tears looking at me she whimpered and left.

SERA'S POV                                                          

Why would he not tell me? I feel betrayed, this isn't like John there must be a good reason for him not to tell me otherwise he would have no questions asked. I don't know why I stormed out that probably would have been best to stay. But I wonder what is not so simple about telling me about the man behind the mask who is on a rampage what if he went after me or worse... John. Wait.


Wiping my eyes and turning to the voice I saw the emerald eyes and blue hair of Elaine, she was unusually happy but why? Who's house was it that she stayed at last night?

"Sera what's wrong?" She stopped looking right at my eyes, I couldn't think of what to say only wondering what house she was at last night. Huh that gave me an idea. 

"I will only answer if you tell me who's house you stayed at last night," I smugly replied, watching Elaine's face dust a bright crimson. I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing but then I saw him.

"Oh, hi Elaine er.. I didn't expect you to be here..." he muttered.

"Aww miss me already?" she teased forgetting I was stood behind her even though we just had our little conversation. Smiling at him he realised what had just happened and his his cheeks lighting up Elaine then realising and slowly turning around she whimpered "How much did you hear?" 

"Every single word!" I giggled "And you still can't find out what's wrong with me because you didn't tell me directly!" I smiled as I saw her trying to think of a counter argument but then giving up in defeat. I smiled at the boy behind her.

"Well if you won't tell her, you will tell me right?" he winked at me.

"Pushing your luck aren't you ARLO?" I replied, after recent events with him I feel like he is untrustworthy.

Just behind Arlo I saw John walking past he must have noticed us talking and tried to avoid us. 

"John!" I called him but it just seemed that he picked up the pace, running over to him I realise something was off about him normally he was really excited when I call his name and he would seem to wander over to me but where he had been walking there was a crimson liquid left dotted around on the floor. Looking towards where he had been I realised he has blood on his clothes and dirt on his sleeves, what could have happened? Still ignoring me I managed to catch up but he still didn't respond so I just thought he was listening to his music again but when I tapped him I realised there was no earphone wire leading from where he normally keeps his phone. Still not flinching at all I moved in front of him not letting him pass.

"JOHN what is it?" I demanded an answer but nothing reaching for his hood I went to pull it down as he embraced me in a hug... it was silent until he said "Sera i'm so sorry, i'm so weak I can't believe I made you waste your time on me, I am gonna leave, see you round." After he said this I watched as he half stumbled away.

"John." I spoke with a gentle tone hoping he would calm down, peering over his shoulder I ran to him and embraced him on another hug. "Don't ever think like this I don't like it it's not the John I know!" I could tell that snapped something in John and he let out a stream of tears I held him tight, running my fingers through his raven hair.

"Thanks Sera, that cheered me up a bit." He whispered wiping the blood trickling down his cheek.

"Now about the masked man," I began. But that is all I could say before John had fell to one knee clutching his face.

"NO, NO I-I'VE CHANGED!" he cried. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD! STOP!" I began to become worried for John 

"YOU BOUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELF! I'M SORRY!" He yelped. Tears rolling down his face dripping with sweat he stood back up looked me in my eyes, his golden eyes gleaming in the moon, breathed and turned around walking off without saying a word.  


I cannot believe that happened, I am so embarrassed. Why? I might just have to lay low fro a while. Resting my head in my hands Blyke walked in, seeming to be a bit concerned he just brushed it off.

"Have you spoke to Remi recently? Or Elaine?" he asked while getting a coffee.

"Nah sorry but Sera might be able to help?"

"S-Sera?" he began blushing.

"Oooh looks someone likes Sera" I teased "Well that... Never mind, actually."

"John please keep this between us, don't tell anyone please."

"Not even Sera? I teased. He turned to me eyes glaring as if he would power up.

"I dare you!" Blyke growled.

"Oh ho ho, reaally ooh sounds like a challenge?" I replied not showing any signs of fear.

"Are you not scared of my power and the authorities I know?" 

"No, why because of my social status automatically makes me a coward? Don't worry I can prove you wrong, if you would like!" I said a maniacal smile formed on my face. 

"Can we call a-," He began, before being interrupted by my phone ringing, who could it be?

"Seraphina." I whispered looking up to blyke seeing his emotion become worried. "I'm sorry." He muttered under his breath. Answering the call blyke asked "Could you ask Sera about Elaine or Remi please?"

"After our little talk, sure since I kinda feel bad." 

"Feel bad for what?" I heard Sera's voice over the phone

"Hmph just teasing blyke, you were right though he is a really nice person, oh yeah that reminds me have you heard from Remi or Elaine recently asking for blyke, duh?"

"Oh I thought you were interested in them then, but no sorry blyke."

"Wow I did not expect that from you... jealousy." I teased

"J-j-jealously er er no me jealous..."

"Sera I can feel that you are blushing thank you!"

"Er I have gotta go, bye."

"Ugh fine bye." she abruptly ended the call for some reason. But I needed to sleep anyway.

Just as blyke re entered he asked "So what did she say?"

"Ah she said no sorry but if I see them soon I will let them know."

"Thanks man."

Another thing I did not expect blyke to have feelings for Sera, I wonder how she would feel.

Unordinary bondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora