Snowy night

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(this is a poly ninja one shot enjoy)

                It was a late night in Ninjago, snow falling down decorating the ground in a blanket of white. The Ninja were sitting on the couch cuddled up together while watching movies and sipping on hot chocolate. It was about 12:00 Lloyd, Wu, and Nya were asleep and they thought it was the perfect time for cuddling they, of course, didn't expect it to be so cold.

The movie ended and Kai was quick to yell out

"it's my turn to pick the movie!"

he grabbed the remote and started browsing through some movies before stopping at a horror movie he was about to play it when a hand snatched the remote from Kai's hand

"no no NO we are not watching a horror movie at this time of night!"

Jay spat while trying to get to a different movie. Kai grabbed the remote and pulled jay into himself

"what's wrong Sparky, you scared?"

Kai said tauntingly before pecking jay on the head, Jay rolled his eyes and snuggled up against Zane closing his eyes trying to fall asleep.

"actually, Kai, I think we should go to bed it's getting pretty late, "

Zane said while getting up Kai grunted and turned off the TV he glanced over to Jay and Cole they were already asleep. Kai let out a snicker and glanced over to Zane

"I can carry Jay are you able to carry Cole?"

Zane nodded and walked over to Cole picking him up with a bit of a struggle. He walked into their shared room leaving Kai to get Jay, he picked up Jay and walked into their room finding Zane starring out the window. He placed Jay down and walked over to him

"everything okay?"

He glances and the nindroid with worry Zane looked over to him and nodded

"yes, I believe so, "

Zane started before going back to looking out the window

"man it's snowing pretty bad."

Zane didn't respond and just continued to look outside

"welp we should probably go to bed like you said it's getting pretty late,"

Kai took hold of Zanes hand and squeezed it before he walked over to his bed

"night Zane."                     

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