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I love you so much! your my everything and that's what I love! Everything was different before I met you. Before I met you I was a nobody, and after I was your everything. First I met you in kindergarten and we were in gym and that's when I saw you my whole world was a heart and that's when you walked up to me and said hi. When we were playing a game in gym and we lost I said fudge we lost. Keanu laughed. We didn't really talk after that though, we just talked to our friends. When we were in 2nd grade that's when I was his best girl that's a friend. I told him that I liked him and he told me he loved me. I was surprised but my friend Aaliyah she liked him too and she got mad when we started going out. When we finally got to 4th grade we were best couple ever since 2nd grade we were in the same class in kindergarten we switched classes but in 2nd grade he was in my homeroom anyways we have been in the same class ever since but, now guess what I'm in 5th grade he is still with me and I feel special. And I love him! 💖

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