Love songs

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Was Hope

Él era la luz en el bar.

He was the light in the bar.

Rosa would never admit it....






It's was closing time, He turn to a photo of Hope, him, Oliver, Thomas, Kira, and Sunny D. The only time Hope was truly happy. The picture hangs over the jukebox. Yet Rosa will never say it.

Even when Hope was crying because he was worried about his husband Leon for 2 years. He never said it

Even after Hope hung himself, he never said it.

Rosa Show It

He talk to reporters
He talk to fundraisers
He talk to high schoolers
He spread rumors
He told everyone

He destroy Leon named in the movie industry.

He changed the bar name to Hope Loving son or HLS for short

He celebrates Hope's birthday by staying open pass 2PM.

He plays their favorite songs


His favorite was

He About to Lose Me by Britney Spears

He still won't admitted.......




Until  Now!

"I wanted to steal him away from you, Leon." Said Rosa as he cleans the counter.

"Happy Birthday Hope."

He about to lose me




He kiss Hope to.

He turn on the jukebox to

He about to lose Me
By Britney Spears

He pick up a crate and go to the back  only to be stop by........


Hope Loving Son Where stories live. Discover now