A clue of the future

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-Janice, give it back!
-I just want to see it!
-Janice, it is dangerous don't touch it!!
-No, Gabe, you have to wait, it is so strange and uncommon...and....
This is the place where Janice was the last time, before her disappearance.
Gabe, the big brother of Janice is so careful and he always cares about his little sister, but many times he is being too annoying...
The two children live in a village in Northern China, but they love going for trips in the town, Atlantis! Yes, it name is from the legent of the hidden Atlantis, because it heard that in the town, they are many caves and forests with big secrets and magic hidden inside of them. These two siblings both like going there, even though , Gabe is afraid some times!! Well, but I think that our story must begin...

          ...later the next chapter...

A blue worldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz