Chapter Eight

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With a sigh Fox had entered one of the abandoned rooms in the recruit's wing. Fox then changed into his pajamas and climbed into bed where he laid looking at the roof thinking.

How could just one little cub make Krystal so mad at him? How could she compare him to their own son or daughter? Was it really a bad thing for him to let the cub stay?

With a sigh Fox finally fell asleep and even got a semi-good nights sleep considering the bed was too small for him. In the morning he yawned and considered going to tell Krystal he'd decided to let the cub stay when it dawned on him that it'd be best to let it seem like he wasn't going to be happy about the cub staying and see how he reacts to not being wanted by anyone.

Fox decided he'd test the cub, but what he didn't know was he wasn't going to be the only one testing the cub's patience. Fox then showered before changing back into his uniform and heading to the mess hall for breakfast and to observe the new comer.


In the mess hall a small group of bullies including James McCloud and Marcus Lombardi had circled around Mathias and we're pushing him around and throwing their scraps and him.

Fox saw the commotion and started to head that way when he caught a glimpse of his daughter Joy heading right for her brother and she didn't look happy one bit. Fox even let a smile slip onto his face as he saw his daughter with the same face Krystal often gave him when he was about to get an ear full.

"What's so funny" softly hissed Krystal in his ear making him jump before turning to face her.

"Just noticed how much Joy takes after you." replied Fox.

"James Trixy McCloud! You're the son of the headmaster why can't you start acting like it!" shouted Joy which interrupted Fox and Krystal's conversation and they both turned to go break up the fight that was about to take place.

"What's your problem sis?" asked James as he poured Mathias' drink over his head. "It's just a little harmless fun."

Everyone in the group all laughed and continued to bully Mathias. They mostly ignored Joy and also didn't notice Fox and Krystal closing in.

"The problem is you thinking you're better then everyone because of who our father is." snapped Joy. "You think you're immune to punishment because our father is Headmaster, but one of these days someone's going to push back."

"No one has yet." replied James tripping Mathias as someone pushed him back causing Mathias to fall to the ground on his backside.

"Enough!" snapped Krystal as she reached down and helped Mathias back to his feet and looked around and the group as they slowly dispersed.

"Everyone off to class hurry up." started Fox only to turn to his daughter, who'd not yet moved and added, "You too Joy, James and Mathias."

"Wait you're not going to punish them?" asked both Krystal and Joy at the same time.

"No boys will be boys and no one was hurt." replied Fox knowing this was only going to get him in even more trouble with his mate but he needed to test the cub. He then turned and walked away before either one could give him the anger filled response that he knew they wanted to give.

To Be Continued...

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