Chapter five.

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Third day of school.

Fresh woke up, but not to the sound on his alarm, but to the sound of his phone, as someone tried calling him. Fresh picked up his phone and saw it was PJ.

Fresh: "ye-"

PJ; "where the hell are you?!"

Fresh: "what do you m-"

PJ: "no not 'what do you mean', where the hell are you? I haven't seen you first or second lesson!"

Fresh: *looks to alarm* "SHED, I UNPLUGGED MY ALARM IN ANGER!-"

Fresh hung up and the quickly got up, getting dressed and shooting out the door, skating as fast as he could to school, skipping breakfast. "I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late!" Fresh repeated to himself as he skated down the street. Fresh skidded to a halt outside of the school, and then ran in, running to his locker and shoving his skateboard inside of it, then locking it afterwards. Fresh started to sneak through the school to his lesson, until someone tapped him on the shoulder. Fresh turned round with a yelp, but a hand was put over his mouth to shut him up. Fresh looked up to who it was and saw PJ.
"Shush, you might be heard" PJ ordered, as he removed his hand from fresh's mouth. "How many lessons have I missed?" Fresh asked, worry dripping from his words. The bell rung and PJ looked up to the ceiling, listening to it, and then looking down to fresh. "Three" he answered, and fresh started to go into panic mode. "No no no! I can't miss three lessons, I'm not a jock like you!" Fresh winded, as people walked passed, and a few stoped to watch as PJ stood there, arms cross, with an amused face, while fresh panic uncontrollably. "I-I'm a nerd, n-not a jock. I can't miss three lessons! I'm going to fail! I'm not going to get a good job! I'm going to be living on the streets! I can't fail in school!" Fresh panicked, but PJ had enough. "Shut up, missing three lessons isn't going to affect your future" PJ said, as fresh continued to panic. PJ was getting annoyed with fresh now. "Fresh stop!" Fresh kept worrying, while looking at the ground, PJ impatiently cupped fresh's cheekbone and forced him to look up to him, now seeing tears swelling up in his eye sockets. "Fresh... You have a million textbooks in your bag, so why don't you and me go and catch up on the lessons you've missed, how about the library?" PJ asked as he took fresh's hand and left with fresh to the library, and anyone who dared to speak up about them, got a glare from PJ.
Once they made it to the library they quickly got started, sitting down and getting everything out, ready to learn the lessons fresh missed. Fresh finished catching up on his first lesson, art. "Thank you PJ... Your the best of my best friends I've ever had" fresh looked to PJ, and smiled, while closing one of the textbooks. PJ smiled back, looking to fresh. "That's ok, and your the best of my best friends I've ever had" PJ told fresh, while three nerds entered the library, and looked over to fresh and PJ who were smiling at the same time while they moved onto another textbook. "F-fresh?" Alphys was confused on why fresh was with a jock, especially PJ, the leader of the jocks. Fresh looked over, and grinned a happy grin. "Hey guys, how are you?" Fresh asked, as he stood up and went over to them. "Fresh, what are you doing?" Papyrus whispered, as he looked over to PJ, who was reading a part of a text book. "What do you mean?" Alphys piped up, after fresh questioned them. "Y-you now what w-we're talking a-about!" Alphys whisper yelled, as she too looked to PJ, as he turned the page, taking notes at the same time. "What are you doing with a jock?!" Alphys asked, as she looked to fresh. "Hey, he's a great friend, and plus, I thought you guys didn't judge a book by it cover, because the first time you met me, you were worried that I'd just be some loser who talks to himself!" Fresh said, raising his voice above a whisper. PJ heard what was going on, and got up, slowly walking to fresh and his friends. "N-no fresh, it's just that w-we're w-worried he m-might hu-hurt you p-physically... A-and emotionally..." Alphys said, as PJ came up behind fresh, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I would never do that to fresh, do you hear me!" PJ told the nerds, and they nodded in fear, fear of what he might do to them if they didn't nod. "S-see fresh? He's not a good guy!" Alphys quickly pointed out, while gesturing to PJ with a scaly hand. "You know what, fine! If you guys think I'm so bad, then I guess I'm gonna have to show you nerds how much I care about him" PJ declared, and then went off to pack his things up. He walked past them, and smiled at fresh. "See ya later fresh!" PJ said his goodbye as he left the library, probably in search of his friends. Fresh smiled, and his cheeks lit up with a tiny blush, and Alphys noticed, and she held in a squeal, but she didn't understand why she was trying to hold in a squeal, it's not like fresh has a crush on him, so why did she have a feeling she would be shipping fresh with a strong, sporty and caring skeleton, in the future?
Fresh was walking down the hall, ignoring his nonexistent stomach, that growled like a starving wolf, as he held it in pain. Fresh was feeling a bit dizzy from not eating enough, and leant against the lockers for support. "I don't feel the greatest..." Fresh said to himself, and he heard the bell going to his lesson, sometimes having to run his hand along the wall so that he wouldn't fall over.
Fresh somehow survived P.E, and went to his next lesson, astronomy. When fresh got to class, he walked to his seat, ignoring the looks of judgement and worry, and sat down next to PJ. "Woah you look so pale, like, paler than you were in P.E, you ok?" PJ asked, and fresh nodded his head slowly, but he started to go back and forth, until he suddenly fell forward hitting his head on his desk, passing out.

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