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"The world was a flurry of chaos around her. The Earth moved for her. Bowed to her. I'd never known gold eyes capable of looking so hollow, nor known a creature to smile whilst wearing so much blood." 


Mina Bellum, known as  a Blood Beast, was mostly known as the Alpha of the Golden Eclipse and Animus Clan. However, her life before her time as an Alpha is long, and provides many adventures that led her to where she is.

She was a trained tactician, soldier, and mentor. Before her life as an Alpha, she belonged to a family of leaders known to her kind as the Blood Beasts.

She was killed during the battle of Animus.


Mina was born alongside her twin, Michael, during the rise of the 27AD Roman Empire. She was prepared for combat during her first Rite whereby her 'human' was destroyed to leave only Beast genetics inside. Shortly after the transition, she was trained by her father in tactics, warfare, languages and politics, drafting to an army as the lowest ranking soldier.

She spent her adolescence rising the ranks until she was permitted her first commanding role amongst her own species. She served under her father's authority until she broke away to command her own men. Centuries passed and she passed through the growing known world, exploring the dynasties of China; the invasions of Norse-men, Normans and French alike. Her distaste for her duty eventually grew as she was forced to return to her father more often.

This began the rebellion that would lead Mina to meet her first Werewolf Alpha who tried to challenge her. It was there that Mina formed the Golden Eclipse Pack and welcomed her first ranking wolves.

During the Gold Eclipse's height, 250 wolves were signed to the allegiance of the Pack. Due to the size, Mina realised the lack of capabilities and encouraged other members to rise as leaders to their own Packs.

Finally, she broke the Gold Eclipse structure and set up Animus Clan to ensure that her wolves had the attention and capability to grow stronger. She experienced stronger connections to her wolves, which faltered judgement. Animus was attacked directly after a member provoked another creature. Mina was killed during the conflict in an attempt to save an ally, Amber.


The Immortal Blood Rogues are a species that stem from the early stages of man's rise into power when the Gods of Greece were only beginning to rise into their own power. They consist of mostly Bitten Blood Beasts, which have been transformed into the species by the Bloodline Family - also known as Sires. Among this line are the direct ancestors to a demigod Beast.

The Bloodline family consist of four creatures:





They are the only ones capable of transitioning another into their kind, using their blood as the poison and their bite as the cure that also ignites the transition. Survival rate depends on the characters ability to pass tests.

They are immortal, but killable.

They must hunt in order to remain at their full power and emotional control. They are naturally aggressive and violent, but control their instincts well through rigorous training and discipline.


Mina was a formal woman with an ambitious charisma. Her steel intelligence was only amplified by her deep disinterest in those that encourage the worst in people. She enjoyed a conversation that forced both recipients to forge greater understanding to their views, and was always willing to spar in camaraderie-like form. She was a woman of words and action; despite its oxymoronic sentiment, she would challenge herself and protect those she believes deserved the loyal gesture.

Due to her nature, she was highly disciplined in all aspects to her life. She never permitted herself to lose control, or hunt in the public eye.

Her mind was always thinking forward, due to her long past. She did not speak of her history and often enjoyed retreating to human cities.


During life, Mina's manipulation of the Earth was concentrated to her capabilities to manipulate the Earth's tectonic movements and the foundation to the Earth's surface. Her connection to nature was also strong, having learnt to incorporate it into her combat and healing as well.

In death, her ability manifested to encompass her circumstances; to put it simply, her ability returned to its capabilities before she was an Alpha.

Mina has control of the Earth to a wider stance that incorporates the materials that stem from the ability. Sand. Volcanoes. Mountains. She holds the ability of substance.

Where the Earth called to Mina in life, it now bows to her. Despite this, her ability requires constant attention in the afterlife.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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