Alexander - Alive

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"He had been adored. Loved. Envied. A creature with so much power, that fell so far that even the Gods wept for him. The man in front of me. The Cursed Beast."


Alexander Ignis is a Blood Beast, known among his people as the Exiled. He is the younger brother to Mina and now the new Alpha to the Animus Clan. 

-History overview-

Unlike his siblings, Alexander wanted to lead during his youth; loved the power it gave him to command his species. He was born during the collapse of the Roman Empire in 1453AD, having been raised in the Realms of his kin far longer than his older siblings. When he was sent to join the human army ranks at the age of fifteen, his nature was more to his kind than humanity. He rose the ranks through power; his looks and natural charm earning him favour among the courts. Once he had risen as high as desired, he looked to inherit the armies of the Blood Beasts. When he wasn't given the power for free due to his position in the family, he sought to take it through his skill as a soldier and his Sired creatures. As luck (or rather lack of) would have it, he was framed for conspiring to murder his family, and imprisoned in the Underworld to serve Hades for his crimes. His Sired Bitten Blood Beasts were executed and hunted, ripping his soul in the process. Tortured to the brink of madness among Hades and demons, he was exiled centuries later to the human realm. He resided in Europe for the years  that followed before moving to seek out his sister.

As the years taught him the price of becoming a leader and monster, it also destroyed his chance to go home. His past is often stained with debt, blood, alcohol and the occasional bounty hunt. Over the years, he despised everything about taking a role as a leader through his time serving Hades, and knew it was better to remain outside of the light. By the time he'd gathered enough evidence to prove his innocence, his sister had been killed, and his brothers had shut off any chances of forgiving him. He's different from his family, but he's as stubborn as all of them put together.

Now? He's paying an old debt to his sister, and pledging to protect werewolves with his life. Where Mina was known for her power with words, Alexander is know for his power in silence. 


The Immortal Blood Beasts have many beliefs into their origins, although it is the most commonly told version that states before the complete rise of man, a young God unknown to the world encountered a Beast when it had wandered into its temple wounded and forever doomed to be hunted by mankind. The God grew to love the Beat and through their own blood, sired the Beast to give birth to a line directly from him that would contain the power of a Demi-god, and the instincts of the Beast.

The Beast's single offspring to survive was in demigod form. Thus, the first Immortal Blood Beast was born.

The Beast knew her capabilities to raise a human-like infant were not how the line should begin and dumped the child at what she thought was a small town. Little did she know that her choice to leave the baby outside a military camp would stamp the coldness of the Immortal Blood Rogues for thousands of years to come.

The baby was raised under cruel conditions, barely making it to eighteen where his rage finally consumed him and the blood once given to his mother ignited in his veins. He transformed painfully and slowly into a fully transitioned Blood Beast, unlocking the powers given by his father. Centuries passed as the man remained in his Beast form, keeping from the society of humans to hunt and live his life as a creature. Legends began to circulate as men caught glimpses of the creature's dangerous capabilities, earning him many names over the years.

One day, the Blood Beast wandered to the same temple where his mother had once crawled for aid. As he entered, the God looked upon the creature and recognised his own blood after so long. Since then, the God had grown in power as mankind had advanced into the world. They worshipped and feared his wrath now, giving him more power. He also went by many names, but it is never determined if it was Zeus or Hades' temple that bestowed the gift onto the species.

 Regardless, the God favoured his creation for its potential and its strength. Having not forgotten the gestures of his youth, the God bestowed the power of knowledge and venom onto the Beast as he offered the creature to embrace and become his son.

The knowledge given to him was that of the ability to establish his own kingdom, away from the God's, but with a bridge to return when he desired.

With this knowledge, the Beast transitioned back to human and begun his work, raising his empire steadily and quickly. However, due to the tortures of his youth and the isolation ever since, he built his creations with a cruelty he knew no better for, in a land beyond the Veil of the world he had known. A Kingdom of marble and stone. As he began to build the Kingdom, he learned that to bite another creature, he was able to pass on a segment of his power and the Immortality of his kind. His venom was the poison, but his blood was the final piece that ensured transition if the creature could survive.

Centuries continued to pass, until his Kingdom was formed and he recognised one crucial thing he had not foreseen...his own need to have heirs. Aware that he needed his blood to pass on the line, he took his wife to the temple willingly, sacrificing all they could in order for the God's blood to pass directly to his children. As payment, the Beast swore his soul and the souls of his children to the Gods when their immortal lives would come to an end. Accepting this payment, the God completed the King's wish on one condition - their children spend time in his human world before returning to their own. Agreeing, the God obliged.

Four Blood Beasts were born. 

The Bloodline family consist of:





They are the only ones capable of transitioning another into their kind, using their blood as the poison and their bite as the cure that also ignites the transition. Survival rate depends on the characters ability to pass tests.

They are immortal, but killable.

They must hunt in order to remain at their full power and emotional control. They are naturally aggressive and violent, but control their instincts well through rigorous training and discipline.

Below are Sired characters; Blood Beasts that have been Bitten and officially transformed into the kin.

Vivian - Sired by Alexander

Luna - Sired by Michael

Rev - Sired by Michael


Alexander's personality is described as bold without words. His steel intelligence and sharp mind is often counter-reacted with his tendency to attract the wrong crowd. He's what most people would deem the rebel in the family, but he holds a fierce loyalty to his people, even after they turned their back on him. 

He'll defend the sinner over the saint if he finds the crime was freedom. Once the happy leader, he's tainted by its weight and will only trust those close in his Clan. 

He's aware allies turned their back on Animus before, so his patience is limited when it comes to trusting new ones. He'll be blunt if he doesn't like you. Which is often.


Alexander's ability stems from fire, but most importantly, heat and pure light. He's able to manipulate heat and fire together to create static energy and ignite his form into a light capable of destroying anything within a specific radius. Sometimes this can stretch to influence over the air's heat and therefore, the weather. He relies on his skills with the sword before fire - it's hard to put out a flame when it links to his emotions.

Due to Alexander's genetics as a form of Demi-Beast, his DNA was created to withstand his ability with fire during his term in the womb. His capabilities of remaining un-burnt are simply by genetics, not core ability. 

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