The Biggest Blame Fool

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Foxtail: Look, my time is money, so I'll keep this short. *pokes Raymond's chest then booped the top of his nose* You're not here because we wanted you here, you're here because Colewort couldn't make it for his cannibal-cooking segment. You might be some *pats her hair a bit* royal big shot, but that doesn't mean shit to me. *Raymond sees Dr. GreyMan shacking his head and then looked at her again* I'm to rich and to influential to be given a flying fuck on what some tux wearing robotic demon "prince" want to advertise.

Raymond: But, I...

Foxtail: So get to cute with me honey, or I will FUCKING bury you!

Dynamite Watkins: And we're live!

Foxtail: Welcome back! *breaks her neck*

Foxtail: Welcome back! *breaks her neck*

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Foxtail as Katie Killjoy

Raymond as Charlie

Dynamite Watkins as the Producer Demon

OK KO As Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now