Meetings - Part 5

Start from the beginning

"We disagree," Tareiji replied sourly. "We don't want anyone pushing buttons they have no right to be near."

"I don't plan to go near them, and I definitely don't want to push them." I insisted. "I just want to know what they are so I can keep everyone, myself included, away from them."

The looks they gave me told me they weren't buying it.

I sighed and changed the topic, realizing I couldn't win this argument.

"Are we good to go to the meeting? At this rate, we're going to be late."

Jareka gave me a reluctant nod and Tareiji just turned to the window and started humming unhappily. It was all I could do not to grind my teeth in frustration.

A half hour later we walked into a small studio. Applicants were being screened for a modeling job for a fashion magazine that Tareiji and Jareka had applied for. The project coordinator wanted any applicants that met the general appearance requirements to be brought in to do a test photo shoot. We entered the studio as another model left, and Jareka and Tareiji were handed outfits by the assistants and pointed towards the dressing rooms. Tareiji took one look at his outfit and turned to me.

"Tank top." He stated unhappily, holding up the offending garment.

"And a cutoff." Jareka added, displaying the shirt he'd been given as well. Neither shirt would cover their scars.

"I got it." I sighed, heading for one of the assistants. "Do you know where I can find the coordinator?" I asked.

"She's over there." She pointed across the stage towards a tall woman who seemed to be the center of all the activity.

I made my way around the stage and approached the coordinator.

I held out my hand. "I'm Hanaso, we spoke over the phone the other day about the outfit choices-"

"You've got the boys with the scars." She interjected enthusiastically, shaking my hand.

"Yes, Tareiji and Jareka." I nodded my head in their direction.

"Call me Selene." She spotted Jareka and Tareiji and smiled. "Excellent." She said, walking towards them. I followed after hurriedly.

"Tareiji, Jareka." She greeted as she stopped in front of them. Tareiji gave her a tight smile. "The project had a change of plans," she explained, "the magazine wants a last minute article for Halloween on how to make costumes out of simple articles of clothing. Your scars will be perfect for the theme." She was grinning like she'd just had the best idea in the world.

I saw both Tareiji and Jareka go pale, their postures rigid. Tareiji was still holding his smile in place, but it looked forced.

"Not happening." Tareiji said with an overly sweet tone, not-so-gently shoving the outfit at her. She took it, looking taken aback.

"Selene, they don't want their scars in the photos, that's why I called beforehand about the outfit choices to make sure they would be covered."

"Well why the hell not. They've got them, they should use them to their best advantage." She argued.

Jareka's jaw tightened.

"We won't do it." He stated, holding the shirt out at arm's length for her to take back.

She took it, and looked at me. "You're going to just let them act like this?"

"I don't think anything I say is going to change their mind." I replied. I knew how to pick my battles, and this was not one I would win against them. "I checked with you beforehand about the outfits. We applied for the project based on that, but now the terms of the project changed. They're allowed to withdraw their applications."

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