i fear the limit.

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i fear The Limit.
i am wary of The Edge.
so tell me, how did i
find myself on this ledge
of doubt and
i miss when i was so sure
of where things
were standing

rather than
jumping blindly
into your arms
with no guarantee of landing.
either way, i say "fuck it."
and i let you push.

for i know
if i fell off
i would just hang on to your words,
but the calluses from holding
on so tight would
soon begin to burn.
and you would soothe them
with a touch of your lips.

we both know
it would not take
more than a kiss
and i'm in bliss
because i'm weak.
trapped. fenced in.
and i cannot help but yearn
for your undivided attention.

or is it your unachievable approval?
the two often get muddled
in between
disagreements and cuddles.
therefore, i will never learn
the difference
without your removal.

- n.l.


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