Chapter Eleven: Intertwined

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As soon as the twos lips had linked together, the room went wild. Lillie's drunken state meant it wasn't nearly as meaningful as their previous kiss in the supply room, but that didn't mean that it was any less exciting, fireworks exploding between the two of them.

It wasn't just exciting for Brian and Lillie, considering as soon as they began to pull apart the other three were whooping and cheering, slapping Brian on the back, Roger even lifting Lillie up onto his shoulder as if she was some sort of champion. Normally she'd be scared at the gesture, considering he was far too intoxicated to keep her on his shoulder safely, but it was thrilling, feeling as if she was on top of the world. After he put her down John was straight over to her, ruffling her hair and hitting her arm as he laughed. Meanwhile, Mary and Veronica stayed where they were, exchanging almost a worried glace as they laughed at the chaotic energy the band and Lillie were demonstrating.

It was fun, for a while, until the adrenaline ran out and the five of them all collapsed back down and went back to drinking, Lillie and Brian flopping back onto the sofa, sitting much closer together, Brian daring to have his arm around her shoulder. The small contact seemed to act as a constant reminder for the two of them, the memory of the kiss still running through both of their minds, even after the other three left.

The gathering only lasted another half hour, ending quite anti-climactically as John passed out on the table, leaving Veronica to carry him out into a cab back home. Freddie and Mary left not long after, Roger following them out, leaving Brian and Lillie alone for the first time all night.

"I think we should go too..." Brian spoke quietly. It had been some time since he'd drank and the alcohol had practically worn off, and the same could be said for Lillie, who had now turned from a laughing-drunk to a tired-drunk, her appearance now much more dishevelled, her hair frizzing out of their braids, her glasses perched on top of her head slightly skew-whiff.

Lillie nodded, staggering up onto her feet, refusing Brian's help as she wandered over to the bar to get the keys Mick had left for her to lock up. As if she was perfectly sober, she ran checks around the room, making sure everything was secure before picking up the two guitar cases she had been keeping in the room, nodding over to Brian for him to follow her to the door. As soon as he got up, she moved to stand next to him, following her almost nervously until she shot him a look, before taking hold of his hand, leaning on him ever so slightly as she led him to the exit. Brian truly wanted to believe that she was doing that because she wanted to hold him again, but part of him thought it was simply because she was drunk. That would have been plausible, considering she was staggering slightly, and Brian soon found himself not only holding her hand but helping to keep her upright.

As soon as they were outside, Brian took the keys from her shaking hand, locking the pub up for her, slipping the keys into his pocket for safe keeping, before taking the guitar cases off of her. At the gesture, Lillie shot him a grin, leaning closer to him to rest her head on his shoulder.

"We sharing a cab together?" Lillie asked quietly as they wandered over towards a road. Brian nodded. "Cool, cool, I hate getting cabs alone,"

Whilst Brian and Lillie waited by the road for a taxi to pull up, they were silent the entire time, the silence comfortable as they stood close, Lillie close enough to notice Brian was no longer as carefree as he was moments ago. He seemed nervous again, but that was alright. Brian normally seemed reserved, and it's what she admired in him, though she wasn't going to deny her utter adoration for the passion and desire he'd demonstrated previously. Glancing up at his face, Lillie couldn't help but smile slightly, noting how well-balanced he was in personality, and how she'd never known anyone like it before.

A taxi pulled up, Brian leading her into the backseat, and despite being drunk, she was sobering up enough to be grateful that he was looking out for her.

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