Prologue 2: The curious girl

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I remember seeing him there. That boy in all black. He was my age yet, he was braver than my father, braver than the men of Drunthar. My family were Royals traveling through the village when it happened to be pillaged by the bandits the boy dispatched. He stood atop the water fountain at the center of Drunthar, telling everyone he would leave and come back with their leaders head, and to prepare his reward. Like that he was gone for two weeks.

I thought nothing of him. Royal boys talked a big show too, so this was no different. I was sure this peasant would die and, on the second day of his leave, I had all but forgotten of him. Being stuck in Drunthar wasn't so bad, I was well fed and, had a nice bed. None of the peasant children ever approached me to play, I suppose it was because they too feared the royals, just like their parents.

Just when I thought I might die of boredom, the boy showed up in town once more. I watched him from my room window as he walked down the street with a man's head in one hand, and a new sword on his back. At that moment, thinking of him made my heart race. I had to know this boy. Royal or not, he had something that neither the Royals or the Peasants had in this village... He had Bravery.

Picking the lock on my window, I slowly edged onto the rooftops of the village, sneaking away from my bodyguards, hoping to catch up to the boy that was now making his way to the tavern. I had to move quickly, but the rain made it difficult to move without falling to my more than likely doom. Although I had only ever snuck out a handful of times, this was already my most fun experience. Making it to the roof of the tavern, the only problem was how I was supposed to fall two stories and be okay.

Just then, when pondering the idea of how I was to get down, the tiles under me shifted and gave way. I was falling. My heart was beating so fast, I could almost believe it would leap out of my chest. I thought I was going to die. I was sure a fall from that height would kill me. Instead however, my landing was cushioned by a rather large, angry looking man. "Why you- Come here!" He shouted while trying to grab me.

I ducked under his arms and dashed into the tavern, looking for the boy. As soon as my eyes found him, I sprinted to him, hiding behind him. "Save me, please!"I exclaimed as the large angry man came face to face with him. Even though the large man was well over double his size, the boy didn't falter. His courage didn't waver, not even in the slightest. He stood as tall as he could, and as proud as he did when I first saw him.

"I don't know who you are, but if you take another step further, I'll personally kick your ass." He told the large man. The man only laughed, suddenly punching the boy through a table and into a wall. Everyone in the tavern watched, no one brave enough to intervene. As if he were fine the boy got up. Every time the large man beat him to the ground, he got back up. Was he, going to keep fighting? He had no reason to fight this man other than.. To protect me. Was he fighting, and losing for me?

I jumped onto the large mans back, wrapping one arm around his neck and choking him as best as I could. The boy, got up once more. Fire in the boy's eyes, he screamed a sort of war cry and threw one punch towards the man's midsection. The rather large man wavered, buckling down on one knee. It was like all the wind was knocked out of the brute of a man, but the boy wasn't finished with him.

"That boy went for the solar plexus, the weakest part of the torso. He's no amateur, that's for sure.. It seems as though he was trained by a master all good men share. Experience." A voice from the doorway of the Tavern spoke. Everyone turned, knowing all too well who that voice belonged to. My father. "You, boy! Why are you picking fights in a tavern?... And why with such an opponent so much larger than you?"

The boy spoke, although his words were few. "I don't pick the fights, I just finish them. I'm fighting to protect this girl." The boy said, picking me up and off the large man. When he set me on my feet, he stood in front of me, as if he were still protecting me. When he did that, I felt my heart race, my chest tightened and my face felt hot.

"Oh? You would protect this girl, even though there would be nothing in it for you? Or perhaps you knew she was a royal and thought you might make money off of saving her?" My father asked. No one in the tavern dared to intervene, more and more guards showing up by the minute to come to their Lord's aid.

The boy had an insulted look on his face, his fists clenched. "I protected this girl of my own volition! She needed me. I helped her because I wanted to. Nothing more. If she's so royal, then where's her guards? Shouldn't they do their jobs? It seems like somebody fucked up in management!" The boy exclaimed, gasps and shock filled the room. No one dared use language like that in front of any lord or royal in this kingdom. Such actions could be seen as.. Well... Heresy.

My father however, grew a smile on his face, laughing. "I suppose you aren't a boy after all. No, you have the spirit of a lion! I dare say a dragon! I've made up my mind, I would like to meet your parents young one. Where are they?"

"Dead. I was raised by my uncles, but I'm far far from home." The boy responded. Even with what might have been a tough question to answer, the boy stood tall, as if he didn't care he was alone.

"I see..." My father said, stroking his beard for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Look here, in exchange for protecting my daughter, I will allow you to stay with my family and I. In fact I would like you to come with us on our way to Valeria. What do you say?" My father asked. I couldn't help but smile. I tried to stop my smile, but it in turn, only grew larger.

"I cannot." The boy responded. The tightness in my chest turned violent, strangling my heart. Why is it, that those words he spoke hurt me so much? "I need to find my Sisters and Uncles. They are all that matter to me. I can't be away from them longer than necessary." The boy said, his face showing no sign of wavering.

"If it's a path home you seek, perhaps we could help you with that. In Valeria there is a ship master that might be able to help you find your way home. Traveling with us is not just fast, it's much safer. I'm sure your sisters would wish for you to take the safest route possible, no?" my father responded, lightning quick. It was if he and the boy were locked in a fight of their own. I looked at the boy, wondering just what his next move would be. His face however, looked pained.

"...Okay then, old man. I will join you. On one condition." The boy said, sending my heart back to life, mended, providing me a rush I didn't quite understand yet.

"Oh? You demand more of me? Even though I promise you so much?" My father asked, laughing. "You're well on your way to being a royal... what is it you ask of me?" My father looked at him curious. No one would talk to a royal like this. This boy was so different from the rest.

" I wish to train with your men, and I want a sword of Valerian Steel. Add those things and, I will follow you. I will stay with you and will ask of nothing more from you." The boy said, his facial expression looked as if he needed my father to say 'yes'.

My father turned to the door, looking at his guards, all of them moving outside the tavern with him. My father looked back at the boy with a warm smile. "Very well. You will start training three days from now. You will receive your sword when we get to Valeria. In exchange however, you are now my daughter's personal guard. Protect her with your life. Oh, and both of you be back for breakfast in one hour. With that, I have only one last question..." My father said, The boy now closer to me. "Why do you require the sword to be of Valerian Steel?"

"It's the only steel that can kill a daemon. It is also nearly unbreakable. There are only twenty in the known worlds." The boy said, walking outside the tavern, heading in the opposite direction of my father. I followed the boy as he and I walked around the village.

I clear my throat, gaining the boy's attention. "I-I'm Sylvianis. Sylvianis of Blue. I want to thank you, for fighting for me, for saving me, for doing what little would." I say to the boy, moving closer to him as we walked.

"I'm Archer. That is all I am." The boy said, continuing to walk. "I always wanted to save a beautiful princess. So I guess we're even." He said, making my face hot and my heart race again.

"O-Oh! Well, I guess so then! We should head back to my parents soon, breakfast will be ready soon. Mother usually cooks when we're away from the Keep, so you can't miss a single meal!" I said, grabbing Archer's hand and running him to our temporary home.

That day he stayed with us. That day he met my mother. That day, I laughed as it took six guards to get him into the bath. Since that day, we've never been apart.

A Lesser Heart (W.I.P.)Where stories live. Discover now