Introduction: Behind Story

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  • Dedicated to Sean Kelliher

 Small A/N before i get into the main storys

Hey Y'all,

Sorry I have been MIA for a while. I Deleted the other Fan Fiction I had. Was just too painful to write when my mother died. I just didnt want to write that particular fic. Now i am back into a good place. I'm  199 days Alcohol free so i am just so pround to say in the darkest of times I was able to stay in the best place, i am so grateful to my little warrior Azu 'DilmerDrabbles' for Keeping my head in a good place. all this time I would also like to thank all of the people who have messaged me and wishing me well though this hard time.

I have everything i have ever wanted right at this moment and i couldn't have done it without my Hubby Sean , my son Breckon and my best friend Sinead. 

Now after all that i would just like to give y'all the backround into my new FF. Its a more fictional tale of mouth. This is all Fictional. Just Using the Characters Demi( as Self) Wilmer (as self) Natalie(as self) so i hope that y'all like it. Leave some comments at the bottom of the story and let me know how y'all like it.

Now tonight i only have the intro to upload for y'all as I'm travelling for work tonight on a train so i will be able to do some writing when i come back to the hotel im stying at i will try and up load it. I will however have the first chapter/part of this story uploaded by Sunday.

Thanks For Everything, 

My Jesus love Y'all and my God be with y'all every day of y'alls lifes.

Best Wishes

CoCo xx

 Introduction into the story 'Falling Into Their Eyes'

Its ridiculous to think that some day, upon a thousand heart beats, that one person could change your entire view of life. In thinking this three single words change everything in this adolescent's life from a single second.

Demi was just a young girl trying to fit in at school. Everything seemed to be in her favor. Her grades were up, and staying up. Her and her friends were all close.  She had joined the school gym, to built on her fitness. She was the girl next door, whom everyone wanted to be like. And ever boy wanted to date. She was not Dating anybody since her break up with Joe Jonas, the big shot quarter back months prior. Would this change? Could this big the next chapter in her life. Just by one membership. Lets See?

Falling Into Their EyesWhere stories live. Discover now