chapter 4.

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She did not respond with words, but rather a sniffle to acknowledge my presence. This by the way was completely fine with me. I was looking forward to leaving anyway. But then again, my rational part wasn't in control and somehow I couldn't bring myself to leave her in a vulnerable state like this.

Deciding to test my luck, I tried calling out one again, "Granger, are you okay?" But of course, she didn't reply because her sodding Gryffindor pride could not be digested. Why couldn't these ruddy idiots just admit that it was okay to need someone? That it was okay to drop the 'I don't need anyone's help' façade sometimes? That they didn't have to be so damn stoic all the time? That they didn't always have to hide their weaknesses?

Look who's calling the kettle black, huh?

I waited for a few moments, and my patience, already thin, wore out. "Merlin Granger, are you deaf or what? I asked you if you were doing okay."

On second thought, I really shouldn't have said that, because she lashed out at me.

"What the hell is your bloody problem, Malfoy? First, I try and be civil to you after I've been sodding dumped and absolutely heartbroken. Yet, you go on and behave like the idiot you are, because surprise surprise, your stupid Slytherin prejudices are just too tough to change, and insult me. And you expect me to be OKAY? No, I'm not, you evil cockroach! Screw off, ferret and let me be! Or is that too much to ask for?"

"The hell, Granger! At least I had the decency to come and try and see if you are okay. But, no you had to go out and yell at me. You know what, bugger off. I'm heading out of here." I turned to leave and walked towards the opposite direction. But, a delicate pair of arms latched around my chest, and a weak voice strangled out choked sobs.

"D-do-don't leave me a-alone just yet."

Normally, I hate crying and dramatic women, illustrated by my strong dislike of Pansy. But there was something about the tone of her voice that bid me to stay. But I was afraid of screwing up the moment. But, she had gotten too close for my liking and comfort.

She must have understood it, because I suddenly went all stiff and rigid. She withdrew and I immediately regretted doing so. I really did not grasp why people craved for human touch. Yet, there was something oddly comforting about the delicate fingers touching my chest. A warm sensation spread through, but it disappeared just as fast.

"I'm really sorry; I didn't mean to barge on you like that. It's just that I've had a rather emotional exhausting day, and I n-need someone to be with. I know it's a little too much to ask for after my rather unfortunate behaviour, but stay, please? Don't listen to me or anything, just stay. Human contact will suffice for now." She tried a feeble attempt at a smile.

I felt a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth, but turned it into a smirk. Of course, Draco Malfoy did not smile.

"Wasn't I a ferret not long ago?"

She laughed. "Oh, shut up!"

My mind must've got the shut up message a little too late. "Granger, I know I am being incredibly nosy-"

"Unlike oldie mouldy Voldy." She giggled.

I stared at her for a moment and couldn't help but let a snicker escape my lips. This was Granger returning back to her usual self.

"Well, Ms. Granger, where are your manners? Aren't you a little too much of a perfect little prissy Gryffindor lady to interrupt people? How very impolite and rude! I really expected better from you, but I must say, I'm rather disappointed," I said, in the most snobbish and McGonagall-ish tone I could muster.

a buck tooth and a ferretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora