Amanda Mackey


Watching him rise to full height, wings majestically spread and glowing incandescently as he approached me, I couldn't help but be in awe. No matter how many times I stood before Michael, I was always nearly brought to my knees by his infinite beauty. The staggering size of him alone with his commanding presence was enough to make the whole of Heaven bow down in subservience. His colossal, pearlescent wings emitted a swirl of rainbows, fluttered lightly as he effortlessly closed the gap. An overpowering sense of calm washed over me as he neared, a feeling brought about by his peace-invoking aura, profound in its strength. "Maya, you need not be apprehensive. I can feel it rolling off you. I have personally hand-picked you for this assignment, one you'll have a particular interest in." His enthralling voice, lured me into a false sense of security but one in which I had no control over. "A personal interest?" I was curious to find out what it could be. "Let me explain. Do you remember angel, Nathaniel?" "Yes. The angel ruling over hidden things, fire and vengeance." "Correct. He's been on Earth fulfilling his own duties. To help rid the world of evil. Souls already damned due to appalling behavior. Unfixable, if you will. Unfortunately, at the portal to Hell whilst banishing some dark souls, he was dragged under and captured.

Once an Angel


Our informant in Hades contacted me to give me an update. It seems Nathaniel is being turned." "Turned? Into a demon?" How was that even possible? "I'm afraid so." Michael appeared to lose some of his stature. "But I thought an angel's power was too strong?" "Not necessarily. Not if given demons blood over a period of time. Lucifer has thought out his plan well. It has been six months in Earth time since Nathaniel was captured: long enough for the blood to turn him into somewhat of a demon but not entirely; essentially, twice as powerful. There has never been another high ranking angel turned. This is indeed a first, Maya." "What does that mean?" "It means that an angel's purity will still hold somewhat, even in the murky bowels of hell. His angelic essence will appear to have vanished totally but beneath his need to please Lucifer, he will always hold true to his nature. To who he really is. It means that he has Heaven and Hell coursing through his system. A force to be reckoned with." I was a little confused with it all and couldn't help but ask. "But how do I fit in to all this?" "My sweet, Maya. Please sit." The mighty angel manifested a two seater settee made of the most dazzling diamonds. We could all materialize what we chose but it was only the elite few such as Archangel Michael who

Amanda Mackey


were able to create such impressive items made of the finest, jewels. I sat and Michael joined me, placing his calming hand on my knee to help ease my anxiety. Instantly a warmth flowed through me and serenity allowed me to listen without fear. He truly did have power over all things, Heavenly. "Nathaniel is due to return to Earth in two days. His job as Lucifer's lackey is to turn pure souls over to the darkness by introducing them to a world of gluttony, sex and drugs. Souls that would otherwise be bound for Heaven. Lucifer has an establishment on Earth set up for this very process, whereby Nathaniel leads them into temptation using a certain amount of demonic influence. Essentially he is upsetting the balance between good and evil which could be catastrophic. Once he is convinced they are tarnished enough he'll take them to the portal and send them to meet their maker. In Hell, they'll be trained and sent back to Earth to continue the mission until there are no good souls left. Nathaniel will then be in charge of the demonic takeover." "So before he was turned, he was banishing evil souls to Hell and now he's banishing pure souls?" It was certainly not good. "Correct." I knew where this was going and I didn't like it. "So, I'm guessing my job is to try and stop him?" "You won't be attempting to stop him, per se. Through your angelic nature, you'll awaken his own

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