Chapter 5 : Do It

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I was coming out from the bathroom while thinking about the girls.
What if they seriously do something?

Luna: where were you stupid? I was looking for you. Let's enjoy😎

Y/N: I'm not a kid Luna. Enjoy yourself . For you enjoying mean flirting with the boys, drinking and dancing. That's not my type.

Luna: okay just one try to enjoy like me....if you don't like it then I will not force you again.

Y/N:Oh pleasee nooooo. I am not going to sleep with a random guys who doesn't have any feelings for me or vise versa.

Luna: just this once be a bad girl. You haven't spend any night with any guy right. You don't know if it's fun or not. Just do it. At some point of time you will do it so why not! There are hot guys everywhere and you look more than hot

Y/N: Yeah but you know I don't like those stuff-

Luna: okay for now drink with me. When you drink your courage builds up and secrets reveal. So let's do that. If don't do anything after being drunk then I'll leave you be.

Y/N: *sigh* okay

We started drinking. It was hard but somehow I continued. I was half drunk when Hyunjin and Leeknow approach us.

Leeknow: let's play truth and dare. People are waiting let's go.

Luna: okay.Y/N let's go

Y/N: who said I'm coming. I'm NOT

Luna: You forgot our deal.

Y/N: Okay okay

Agghhh she is giving me headache seriously. Oh yeah my head already hurts.
When we approached the table where the other guests are gathering around O noticed those girls shooting stares to me. I don't Care. Maybe Luna is right. Alcohol makes you brave. I decide to ignore them.

The game continued and it was my turn. I chose Truth.

Leeknow: Have you had sex in your life?

Others: Is that even a questions? Of course a hot girl like her is not virgin.

Leeknow: *smirk* say

So you are gonna expose me infront of everyone. You're dead once i get you.

Y/N: No

Everyone went on shock. Especially Hyunjin. He was staring at me.
What's wrong with him? I feel like he has interest in me. But he is very popular. Why he would have.... My thoughts were interrupted.

Leeknow: I choose dare.

Pheww! You think you can stay alive after angering the demon? Hell no. I will get you from hell and send you back there.

Y/N: Kiss Luna

He blushed. I know he has lifelong crush on her and she does like him too but they both pretend like a player and don't care about each other when they clearly do. It was not a punishment huh....But they're awkward... I am enjoying this lol😂
They both were blushing like tomatoes. When two people like each other they have this look in their face. I know this.
They slowly kissed. Well not a kiss, i was a peck. Theu were too awkward to make it a kiss. If it was another girls then he wouldn't have blushed this much. Whoaa international playboy in love huhh??
I guess others also noticed that. Those girls. They were glaring at them. It was clear they were pissed off. the game continued and it was Hyunjin's turn.

Leeknow: Y/N you ask

Y/N: Me? Uhh okay. Do you have crush on someone?

Hyunjin: *blushing* I guess I have

Y/N: Who's them

Hyunjin: YOU

Everybody went awww. I was in too much shock!! Why he has to be forward!! OMG me!! What to do now!! Ohh shit!! I mean how!! I was flustered and somehow I blushed. I can't deny my heart was fluttering.
The girl left gritting their teeth. If Hyunjin was not there they would have killed me there. But I was not caring. The only voice that waa ringing in my head was "YOU".
I was doomed.
I left from there and went to the bar. I drank some shots but I feel like I'm sober.
What have you done to me Hwang Hyunjin!!!!

Luna: omg what just happened!! I mean it was just unbelievable!! He confessed to you right in front of everyone!!! Woww what a romantic guy !! Just tell me your heart fluttered or not? There's no way you lie to me okayy!!

Y/N: Okay fine! Yes my heart fluttered. So what?

Luna: Date him.

Y/N: Are you serious?? It's a mere crush okay! It will go away soon. And he never asked me to be his girlfriend. Then why?

Luna: I have a solution. Sleep with him. If he doesn't say anything after that then he has no serious feeling about you. If he says to be his girlfriend then consider it.

Y/N: Sleep with him?? are you crazy?

Luna: You said you can't sleep with a boy who doesn't any feelings for you or for whom you don't have any feelings right?? This is not the case here. He likes you and you do too. Even if you don't tell I can see. Just give it a try.

Y/N: Okay

I just said that  to stop her from blabbing 😑 I'm gonna do that?
Nah not today. Bruh


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