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What the hell did I do wrong?


Was I too forward?


Was it something I said?


"What?" I snap, turning towards Claire. She had followed me out into the hallway, her loud heels clacking with every step. I hate those damn things.

"You're beating yourself up."

"And you're being nosey." I mutter, rolling my eyes. Claire huffs, grabbing my arm before I can turn away. I throw her a look.

"I'm serious. What happened in there..." She trails off, trying to gather her thoughts. "I honestly don't know. I've never seen her act like that."

Pulling my arm away from her, I nod. I've seen Tess at her worst many, many times. I've seen how she reacts to pain, loss, grief, anger, fear... But that, that was something else.

"You should've seen it. She looked so empty, a shell and then-" I snap my fingers, "It's her—it's Tess— and she was happy."

Claire looks at me with her green eyes.

"It- It was so surreal. I thought that I was going to pass out." My stomach knots. "Then she just..."

Her bright green eyes soften.

"Well-" she starts, resting her hand on my bicep. "She has been missing for three years, doing who knows what- she's a different person now. Maybe you said something that spooked her."

My heart thumps against my chest, making my already tight chest coil tighter.

"Whatever happened in that room isn't your fault. Stop beating yourself up over it."

It's not that simple. If what Claire said is true, if I said something that scared Tess, it was something that reminded her of the last three years. Whatever that was, it was enough to hurt her. If a few simple words could do that, who knows what kind of damage I could do. What others could do. I've seen Tess hurt before, more times than I'd like. I've seen her covered in her own blood, patched up bloody knees, surgeries and cut fingers. She's always prone to getting hurt, yet to see her hurt like that— it hits differently.

Closing my eyes, I run a hand across my face and beard, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for storming off."

Claire pats my arm, urging me to look at her. I do. "It's fine, just try not to be such an ass next time, yeah?"

I send her a look and she sends one in return. We haven't always been on good terms, but we have a mutual respect for each other. It's something you develop after three years of absolute crap.

"I'll try."

She smiles.


Fumbling nervously, I watch the door in front of me for any kind of movement. It's been a half hour since Detective Álvarez kicked me out of the room, and I haven't left the hallway since. Not until I know that Tess is okay.

Claire had disappeared a few minutes ago in hopes of finding coffee, wanting some fresh air after that... whole conversation.

I finally figured out what I had said that set Tess off. Her nickname. I called her Beta which, I thought she liked, but... clearly that's not the case anymore.

Beta Raptor [Owen Grady]Where stories live. Discover now