The more she tried to push me away, the more I used my strength to tighten my arms around her.

"I'm sorry please-"

"Fuck off, Roseanne"

Her deep and bold voice now could have sent anyone away. The aura she was giving now was terrifying that felt like a threat to most people who didn't really listen to her. But that wasn't me. Things that happened last night on the sofa bed had taught me something just in one day, which I should've gotten when I was with her for 9 months during school.

Her speech wasn't a threat at all. Storming, grabbing, and pulling my face? Yes, those were the threats. But what she was doing now was merely giving a warning, and I was more comfortable with that. Because she could've just turned around and yelled out to me. The fact that she tried to push me away first, sent me a relief that she was actually considering not to get mad.

Besides, she still called my name even though her tone was different. That was what convinced me about my own ability; I got this. I can handle this.

"Please forgive me" I tried one more time, kissing the back of her neck gently. "It was my fault, my bad" Her grip on my hands was less forceful. "I'm sorry, Lisa. That won't happen again"

I heard her loud sigh a second later, and kids; that was how I apologised to an egotistical, self eccentric person, putting myself down below her level to her amusement.

"That's okay," Melissa responded with a better tone of talking this time while her fingers that were rough previously, now softened in taking mine. She was still trying to get away though. "I need to go home first, shower and get ready for work" She said.

Well, at least she explained herself out of anger.

"You can get ready here," I suggested as I loosened my arms a little, giving her space to move around in my backhug since I could hear her adjusting something that could be her watch by the 'click' sound the metal band made. "I have formal clothes too, if you want to wear them?"

Melissa didn't make a sound. She was probably ignoring me and making herself busy with her watch and cellphone. But I was still hoping that she would consider it. I wouldn't mind anyway. She used to wear my shirt back then even just once. I wished she would still want to.

"But my clothes are cheap-" My speech got interrupted when I felt she lift her right arm slightly.

"Jongnam? Are you at the lobby?"

She was indeed ignoring me. I was talking to her but she called someone else instead. What would I do to this woman?

"Can you bring my toiletries up? They are at the backseat in my yellow bag"

I smiled instantly after hearing what she just said. Melissa was harsh but she still had some soft spots for me. It was just yesterday she told me that I wasn't allowed to negotiate with her, sounding so strict and firmed. But I started to think that she wasn't that hard actually. It was the people who didn't know the way or simply didn't want to put any effort would just agree to her.

That wasn't going to be me.

"Roseanne, could you please get the clothes ready for me?

I gave the last kiss on her nape with a smile that never left my face. I loved it when she talked this way. She sounded like the Lisa I used to know; polite and soft spoken. But no matter how she had changed, I would take it. I couldn't be choosy at this point.

Melissa went for her morning shower after Jongnam sent her toiletries, meanwhile I ordered a set of toasts for her breakfast, considering she didn't eat outside food. I guessed she wouldn't mind if it was just bread and jam. I didn't want her to go to work without eating anything. She was supposed to have her usual breakfast if she went back to the big house, but it was me who requested her to stay. Ordering simple breakfast for her was all I could do. At least she ate something even though I knew she always took heavy breakfast in the morning.

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