Chapter 20 and Epilogue:

Start from the beginning

"My Angel? P-please don't leave me." I whispered.

"She is already dead." A voice whispered.

My eyes darted to the corner. I saw her piercing orange eyes. I moved faster than I thought I could and pinned her against the wall. My new knife I got from my flower against her stomach.

"Why would you kill her! You could have killed me instead!" I screamed.

"You think I wanted to kill my sister? I just wanted that damn baby." She whispered.

I looked at her closely. Her eyes were red and puffy. She was crying. She smelled of blood, but not the same blood as my darling's. I pulled her into the small light and saw it.

In the middle of her stomach was a knife. She stabbed herself. I went quiet and dropped her to the ground. She didn't even wince when she hit the floor. Die and Dark stood froze in the doorway.

I picked up (Y/N)'s body. I held her close to me and walked out of the castle, not giving a damn.

A few days later...

It was her funeral. I wore the suit I wore the night we met. I tried my hardest to not remember my last night with her. I remembered her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes. Her hair. The way she talked. The way she stood. The way she kissed me. I remember it all.

In Hera's last moments, she made Dark king of Magical Realm. Dark untied the two realms. He gave the credit to my Flower though.

We buried her in the Gardens. We put the statue of the Three High and (Y/N) above us with wings behind her grave. I smiled and cried at the funeral. She would have liked it. Dark said some really nice things.

The girls who killed Lord William were thrown in prison. It wasn't too bad. They seemed content. They were happy Die said I couldn't torture them.

Many centuries later...

A knock sounded on my door. I took a deep breath and stood up. I opened my door, and I smiled. It was a little girl. My little spitfire.

"Dad said it was time, Uncle Anti." She sang happily.

"Is it? I didn't notice." I smiled, and I swiftly picked her up. A young man was beside her.

"I am going to miss you." The boy sniffled.

"Now, don't cry, Derek! You will get Delilah upset!" I smiled.

"Will you miss us, Uncle?" Delilah sniffled. I smiled and kissed both their heads.

"Will I miss my favorite niece and nephew? Of course." I smiled.

I walked them both outside. Dark and Die stood in front of (Y/N)'s grave. They smiled at the three of us. Die took Delilah out of my arms and hugged me.

"Are you sure about this, Anti?" Die whispered.

"I have made her wait long enough, friend." I smiled.

"Is it going to hurt?" Derek asked, looking at Die.

"No. It won't hurt him one bit." Dark smiled and rubbed Derek's head. I hugged Die.

"Don't let me down. Just because you became King Die when you married the red bastard, doesn't mean you can get an ego too." I grinned.

"I am going to miss you, you dick." Die hugged me back. Delilah gave me a pouty face.

"Can the knight kiss the beautiful princess?" I smiled. Delilah nodded. I kissed her cheek. She giggled and kissed my cheek back.

"I love you, Uncle Anti." She smiled. I patted her head.

"I love ya, Princess." I moved on to Dark.

I shook his hand, but he pulled me into a hug. I snickered and hugged him back.

"Tell her I said hi, okay?" He whispered.

"Of course, buddy." I smiled. I looked to Derek.

"God, boy, don't cry!" I laughed. Derek had full water works.

"I am going to miss you, sir." He whispered. I hugged Derek as tight as I could.

"I am going to miss ya, kiddo." I smiled. "You know you can call me, Uncle, right?" I looked down at him.

"Dad says that it isn't polite." Derek wiped his eyes.

"Your dads can suck my di--" I started to say, but got cut off by Dark.

"Anti!" Dark glared at me.

"I am gonna miss that most, ya arse." I grinned.

I laid down on the small cot next to her grave.

"You are going to feel a pinch." Die whispered. He was crying. Good Lord, they are acting like I am dying! Well... I am.

I nodded, and he injected the mysterious liquid into my veins. I looked at the statue, smiling.

A single dove sat at on my head of the statue.

"Hello, (Y/N)." I whispered. The dove flapped her wings. I smiled and laid my head back, closing my eyes.

That is when it all went black. I took a deep breath, and a bright light swept over me. A single voice rung out in the new found silence.

"Hello, Anti." She giggled.

"Hello, beautiful. Did you miss me?" I held her hand.

"Of course. Everyday." She smiled. I pulled her close to me.

"I missed you too. I hope you didn't wait too long." I grinned. She shrugged.

"A couple of centuries." She smiled brightly. "Did you move on?"

I frowned and shook my head.

"Then what the hell took you so long?" She slapped my arm, grinning.

"Dark and Die had to get married. They had two kids. Oh, you would love them. Derek and Delilah were the cutest little shites." I smiled.

"You kept us waiting, Anti." She kissed my head.


That is when a little green-haired girl ran towards us.

"Mommy!" The girl yelled and jumped into her arms. I began to cry. It was our baby.

"Ciel, this is Daddy." The little girl squealed and jumped towards me. She hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

"Daddy, what took you so long?" Ciel mumbled.

"I had to help your uncles raise their two kids." I smiled.

"I have uncles? Mommy! I have uncles!" Ciel giggled. I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and walked towards the light.

"I love you, (Y/N)." I whispered.

"I love you, Anti." She whispered back.

"I love Mommy and Daddy!" Ciel shouted.

"And we love you too, Ciel!" (Y/N) smiled.

That is when the same dove from before I went to sleep flew over us. I smiled and pulled (Y/N) close to me. I got my family back.

I am happy.


Once again, this is the end of "Last kNight." This was the last chapter and epilogue of my story. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for understanding.

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