U is for Update

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Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've fully written (as many can see my last update before T was in September 2019). Of course, a large reason behind this was schooling. Being that I am in film school, I had two productions on top of my other school work last semester. I've also been in two others before everything shut down. There is a lot to do with that, but another reason it's been taking me a while to finish the story is the content itself. 

When I first started writing on this site I started with fanfiction. And I will never regret any of the stories that I've written and posted. They've really helped me to grow as a writer. But as I've gotten older and written more, I feel like writing more of my own stories more and more. I'm not planning on completely leaving my Wattpad in the dust (even though once again it's been a while, sorry 'bout that). But Always Home for Sunday Dinner will probably be the last fanfiction I write for now.

I may go back to it, since I still have so many ideas, and I do intend on finishing this book before I start anything, but my next book will most likely be an original, possibly short story collection. And I do hope that that is okay with you all. Thanks for sticking with me for so long. And I hope you enjoy the next part of this book as well as what's next to come of my writing!

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