2. The Apartment / First date

Start from the beginning

I can smell your scent for miles

just like animals


like animals-mals" I continue to sing until.."Thats what makes you beautiful!!!" Ahh my phone. I go and grab it and press answer.

"Hello Kayla speaking" I say into my phone.

"Hey K, its Emma and Gracie!" my best friends shout into the phone.

"Oh, Hi guys" I say back. I had told them the other day about my parents. It was a long night filled with tears and hugs.

" Hey girly! We wanted to keep you occupied. How's the apartment?" I hear Emma say.

"It's great. I have pretty much unpacked all my stuff. As for being by myself, I have gotten used to the feeling....No I haven't " I say starting to cry.

"Aww don't cry...Its ok. Hey um where is your apartment?" Gracie asked.

"Oh, apartment 8 Bliss Street." I say back wiping away my tears.

"Would you mind if we came over." they ask.

"No, not at all. I've been needing company anyway." I say.

"Ok, we'll be over there in two" they say.

* * *

Emma and Gracie are here!

"Ok you guys will never believe what happened yesterday when I was walking" I say.

"Umm....you fell over." Gracie said.

"No..."I said laughing.

"You sang, cause you do that a lot when you listen to music"

"No...well yes but thats not it"

"Just tell us.." Gracie said.

"I met Niall Horan!!!!"

"AHHHHH 'No way how!?' , 'what happened?' " they both screamed.

"Well, I was walking and happened to not be watching where I was going, so I walked into him and then we started talking and he asked me for my phone number and I gave it to him..." I say all in one sentence.

"He asked for your phone number.....AHHHHHH!" They both screamed.

Niall's POV

I can't stop thinking about Kayla...she was just so....perfect. The way her hair fell, and the way her eyes sparkled in the sunlight... Even though I only met her something about her stood out and I could quite think of what it was.

"Niall.....Niall......NIALL!!!" Harry screams in my face.

"Oh, yeah sorry... what number are we on?" I ask. Going back to recording our new album.

"Niall, mate. you've been zoning a lot lately.... what's on your mind?" he asks me again.

"I-I....." I stuttered. " I can't stop thinking about her, harry" I finally manage to get out.

" Oi, is this that girl that ran into you the other day?" Liam asks me.

"Yeah" I say plainly.

"Awww little Nialler's in love.." Louis says.

"Mate, do you have any way of reaching her?" Liam asks.

"No- wait yeah I have her number!" I say remembering it.

"CALL HER!!!" They all yell together.

"ok....jeez" I say taking out my iPhone. I go to my contacts and press call for Kayla.

"Hello?" she says sniffling, as if she was crying...WHY WAS SHE CRYING????

"Hey this is Niall, we met yesterday.." I say hoping she remembers me.

" Oh, yeah hey Niall... whats up?" she says. Few, she remembers me..

"I was wondering if you want to go out and get coffee with me at Cafe Fromage?" I say feeling all of the boy's eyes on me. She stops talking for a minute and I hear whispering.

" Umm... yeah sure I'd like too." she says nicely. SHE SAID YES!!!!

"Ok, do you want me to pick you up-"she cuts me off before I can finish.

"Umm no it's okay, can I meet you there?" she asks.

"Yeah, of course."

"Ok, great. What time?" she asks.

"How about 8:30 tomorrow morning? " I ask hopefully.

"Yeah sure. That works!" she says.

"Ok, great. See you there. Bye!" I say.

"Bye." she says and hangs up. I look up to see all of the boy's faces on me.
"She said yes!" I yelled doing a little victory dance.

"Good job little leprechaun" Louis says smiling.

Kayla POV

"Ok, I'm done." I say finally finishing my makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look half bad. I had picked out a floral dress and a light gray cardigan. Nude colored shoes, a mint shoulder bag, and mint colored rose earrings, topped it off. I had a coat of mascara, light pink eye shadow, and a clear lip gloss. My hair is up in a messy bun, thats not to messy that it looks ugly. I actually looked presentable.

I take out my phone, and put the mint bag over my shoulder. I had put on my coral cat face case on my phone. I still had my ring on from my parents. I don't think I'll ever take it off. I look at the clock......8:26!!!!

"AHHH I go to go!" I say running out the door. It will at least take me 6 minutes to get there. I said no to him picking me up cause I don't like having people driving
me places, when I can walk and get my legs moving.

I walk into the cafe and look for Niall. He is sitting in the back on his phone. I walk over to him.

"Hey," I say sitting down.

"Hi. How are you?" he asks putting his phone down.

"Mmm, phemnomiNIALL," I said.

"So your a fan?" he asked smiling.

"Maybe, I am. Maybe I'm not," I say back smiling. He laughs looking at the ground. The waitress comes to our table and asks us what we want. Wow, she looks so fake, she could be a barbie doll. Her face was caked in makeup.

"Umm...I'll have a pumpkin spice latte," I said looking at the picture on the menu instead of starting at her.

"And I'll have a coffee with creme," Niall says not taking his eyes off me.

"Coming right up," she says flicking her hair as she leaves, Obviously trying to get Niall's attention.

"So tell me about yourself," Niall says.

"What do you want to know?" I said.

"Mmm.... Names of your best friends, favorite food, favorite color, Favorite thing, what do you like to do in your spare time." he said taking the things on his fingers.

"Umm, I have two best friends, Gracie and Emma. I love pancakes. I like all colors, and I love panda's. Plus, I write songs in my spare time." I say back smiling.

"Why panda's?" he asks me. I laugh looking at the ground.

"There just so fat that its adorable!" I say while he laughs. He's got the cutest laugh!
**********later on**********
"Ding," Niall's phone goes off. His smile turns to a frown, but then remembers I'm here so he covers it with a fake smile.

'Umm, I'm sorry I got to go." he says.

"Oh, yeah. I should get going too." I say checking my phone to see its almost 10. I pull out money from my purse just to see Niall pay for me.
"You didn't have to pay for me." I say.

"I can't let the pretty girl pay. It's not right. I'm
Sorry I have to leave, I hope we can do this again sometime though," he says smiling.

"Me too" I say before he leaves.

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