Chapter 16 - Imelda

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Today was going so well until my mother screwed me over.

"What is he doing here?" Nat asks coming up beside me

"Hundred bucks on my mom." I groan

"Damn. Go handle it I'll watch Isla." Nat says as I practically sprint across Nats back yard towards Tom

"Hey." He smiles as he lifts up a pink and gold gift bag

"Hi, What are you doing here?" I smile as I pull him back inside the house

"Your mom told me you asked her to invite me?" He says looking at me confused

"Oh lord." I sigh as my head sags

"I'm really sorry, but Isla's father and I have a deal that we talk it out before we let Isla meet some one we're seeing and I haven't had chance to talk to him yet." Half truth, I'm just not sure whether Tom and I is going anywhere.

"Oh, I understand. I thought it was weird you didn't just call me yourself." He replies

"What's going on?" Oh no, I turn around and see Isaak

"Who's this?" Tom asks looking at Isaak's leather cut

"This is Isla's father Ice. Ice this is... my friend Tom, he was just leaving." I reply

"Nice to meet you Imelda's friend." Isaak smirks. He holds his hand and I'm sure I see Tom grimace at his firm grip

"We still on for tomorrow night?" Tom asks

"Yep, see you tomorrow." I smile as I guide Tom to the front door

"Who was that guy?" Isaak asks

"No one, my mom set us up, we've been on a couple of dates, but apparently my mom invited him to the party." I reply nervously

"I thought we agreed we'd talk before they met Isla." He asks crossing his arms over his chest

"We did, I didn't think it was serious enough for that yet. If I'm ready for him to meet Isla, I'll come to you first." I reply before slipping passed him into the yard. It's beautiful with paper lanterns and pink banners, there are blankets on the grass as people sit around and talk, with all the little kids sat together as Cordelia and Stacey play with them. Over the passed months I've gotten close with the girls of the club and their kids, I'm happy Isla will have them as friends growing up. I was nervous about her being around a biker club but they're just like one big family.

I see my mom sat at a table as far away from the club members as possible, I want to yell at her but I don't want to ruin the party. I only expected the members with kids to come to the party but the whole club has come and I laugh as I see Natalie flirting with Socket and even my sister is talking with one of the guys.

"You ready for the Cake?" Isaak asks coming up beside me and I nod as he moves off to grab Isla and I make my way to the table with the cake. A soft pink three tear cake with fondant zoo animals on it. I grab one of the many pink cupcakes and pick up a candle to place on top before grabbing the lighter

"Listen up!" I hear Killers voice from somewhere to my left and everyone falls quiet as they look to us. Isaak stands beside me with Isla in his arms as I hold up the cupcake. Everyone begins to sing happy birthday and then Isaak and I help her blow out the candle as everyone cheers and applauds.

Telling Isaak about Isla was the hardest thing to do, but it's the best thing I've done, to see everyone here celebrating her birthday.

"You sure you don't want to follow your guys to Scars?" I ask as Isaak helps me with packing away the left over food

"It's my daughters birthday, I'm exactly where I want to be." He smiles. Nat has left me to lock up her place so she could go with Socket to the club, looks like she's getting her wish.

"I'm not going out like this." I say as I look at myself in the mirror in a skin tight dark red bandage dress Nat got me for my birthday

"But you look hot." Nat replies. It's my birthday and Isaak has taken Isla so Nat and I can go out for a couple of drinks, I managed to talk her out of a party. It's the first time Isaak is having Isla over night and I'm a little nervous, but he's so good with her now and I made him promise to text me updates all night and call me if anything happened.

"Look at my hips and ass, they're huge. It's been a year and I'm still as fat as I was when I was pregnant." I groan as I sit on my bed

"You're insane, you look hot as hell, now let's go before you try to talk me out of going." She says pulling me off the bed and out the door.

"Scars, really?" I ask as we climb out of the cab

"Well the only other club is two towns over and I didn't think you'd want to be that far away from Isla." Nat shrugs, she's got me there. We walk up to the entrance and the bouncer opens the door for us

"Happy birthday!" Everyone yells as I step inside. I look around and see everyone from Isaak's club, some friends from work and my sister

"I thought we agreed no party?" I say looking to Nat and she just shrugs before heading to the bar

"Happy birthday." I hear from behind me

"Isaak? Where's Isla?" I panic

"Relax, she told me I can't miss mama's birthday and that she was going to be busy helping Indigo and Bullet with the new baby." He replies pulling his cell out of his pocket and showing me a picture of Isla, Indigo and her daughter, Willow.

"Come on, let me buy the birthday girl a drink." He says wrapping his arm around me and guiding me to the bar

"No Tom tonight?" He asks as the girl behind the bar serves our drinks

"No, we're going to a restaurant tomorrow night." I reply

"Well maybe tonight I can get that dance you wouldn't let me have six months ago?" He smirks

"I'm gonna need a lot more vodka before I can dance." I laugh before taking a sip of my drink. I look around and see the girls from work at the bar

"I better go say hi, I'll come find you when I'm ready for that dance." I say as I walk over to the group of girls

"Happy birthday!" Danielle says as I approach

"Who's the hottie?" Lisa asks and I laugh

"That's Isla's father." I reply

"Damn, he's hot." Danielle replies

"Why are you dating that stuffy accountant when you could be hitting that?" Lisa asks

"Ice and I are just friends, I don't want to complicate things for Isla." I reply as I watch Isaak laugh with some of his friends.

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