Author's note: Just so you know..

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1st of all, I want you to know that I'm French. As for, English isn't my language so this might be full of grammar mistakes. Also I'll try my best to give you a good story to read ^^ or I hope so.

Do not hesitate to tell me when I'm doing something wrong in grammar, any help is good.

2nd point, this is my 1st fanfiction full on story or story ever. I was thinking of making just a one shot but inspiration ducked me in and it'll would've been too long for a one shot.

Maybe this will be a mini fiction I dont really know yet.


Regarding this story, its mainly starting this year for them but there will be some flashbacks. Also even though this is pure fiction, I'll use actual events or moments of BP for this to fit my storyline and (I hope) make it more believable.

I hope you enjoy it :)
I'll shut up now sorry haha I'm a talker

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