Chapter 5: Web of Lies

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Charing Cross Road, London, England

Hagrid had to bring the motorcycle down when the sun started rising to avoid catching the attention of any Muggles that just happened to look up. Nobody really needed to see a flying motorcycle in broad daylight. Hagrid continued on driving down the road while Ashley skimmed through her school requirements list.

"Hagrid, may I ask something?" She called out, pursing her lips at the letter.

"Go on, Ashley." Hagrid replied, still keeping his eyes focused straight ahead.

"It says here that students can bring an owl, a cat, or a toad... Will I be allowed to bring Moko with me?" She questioned, worried for her snake friend.

She didn't want to be forcefully separated from him. She had grown quite used to his presence; it was comforting for her, just as a familiar's should be. Moko perked up from his place on her lap, gazing up at Hagrid with the same silent question in his eyes. If he says no, I'll just have to sneak Moko in then, Ashley planned. There was absolutely no way she was going to Hogwarts without her beloved familiar.

"Hm, well, snakes aren't the usual companions students choose to bring but with him being your familiar, it'd be wrong to separate you two..." Hagrid answered with a thoughtful expression, "I'm sure Dumbledore won't mind."

Ashley cringed, knowing full well that Dumbledore would mind. Snakes were practically the insignia of evil in the old man's eyes. They represented the dark arts seeing as they were the symbol of Slytherin, the house he held prejudice against. He'd never let Ashley live in peace if he knew that she had a snake, more so if he knew she spoke Parseltongue so early in the timeline. That would be a certified nightmare to deal with. For the safety of her snake (and her peace of mind), Ashley had no other choice but to hide Moko from the irritatingly twinkling eyes of the old coot she would soon call her headmaster.

She looked up from her reading when she noticed that the motorcycle had stopped moving. Moko noticed this fact as well and slid up her shirt to hide from plain sight. She looked around and recognized the familiar environment, especially the corner store they had just parked in front of. Ashley gazed at the sign above the store, 'The Leaky Cauldron' magically appearing on it not a moment too soon. Hagrid chuckled at the delighted look on her face and helped her out of the sidecar. He went to carry her things for her but stopped when she shook her head. Right in front of him, she cast a wordless shrinking charm on both her bag and cake box, shrinking them down enough to be able to fit in her flannel's chest pocket. Hagrid grinned, impressed, and proceeded to enter the Leaky Cauldron with her.

They were met with the sound of mellow music playing. Patrons were all around, some seated on tables, some standing on their feet. All were chattering merrily with each other while they ate and drank. Ashley glanced around the crowded room as Hagrid ushered her forward. They weaved through familiar faces, most, if not all, unnamed, until they neared the counter where the pub barman immediately caught sight of them.

"Ah Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" Tom said.

As Hagrid replied to the man, Ashley spotted the lone individual wearing dark robes accessorized with a purple turban standing off to the right side of the counter. Professor Quirinus Quirrell/Voldemort, she recognized. His eyes, full of what she guessed as fear and anger, were trained on the scar on her forehead. She didn't know what to do with him yet. She wasn't entirely sure her plans involved destroying him; she actually wanted to maybe try and help him fix himself. Maybe there was a way to mend his soul back together, but then that required her dying for a short while. She wasn't too entirely fond of that idea, so yes, she was clueless as to what her next moves regarding the insane Dark Lord would be. Right in that moment, however, there was no harm in being polite.

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