My heart raced, pumping blood to my whole body with a great pressure since I knew it was her. It was Melissa who was sleeping on the sofa bed, in the same room as me. It was weird that I didn't even hear any noise she made earlier. I guessed I was in a deep sleep.

Being careful enough not to wake her, I touched Melissa arm that was hanging out. Her skin was so cold. I bet she was freezing because she didn't have any blanket with her. I trailed my hand up along hers until I reached her shoulder, and that was when I found out that she slept on the side of her body, shivering a little. She was definitely cold with the air conditioning and also the rain outside.

I wanted to wake her up, thinking maybe she wanted to sleep on the bed so she would be more comfortable. But I stopped my intention since I pitied her. She must be really tired and if she wanted to sleep on my bed together with me, she would have done that when she arrived. But she didn't.

Then I got up and returned to the bed, grasping the thick blanket. I pulled it with me as I walked back to Melissa. She could use a blanket at this time. I felt bad towards her that she was sleeping with coldness for God knew how long it had been.

I gently spread the blanket to the air, refusing to make any noise and it landed smoothly on her body. I fixed it a little bit to make sure it covered her entire legs.

I went back on the floor, bending my knees there at same spot where her hand hung out. I curled my fingers and released them back, repeating that gesture as it helped me to stay calm. She was there with me, sleeping peacefully. My chest was heavy again as I closed my eyes, only to open them back again for a couple of times.

Should I?

That was the question that lingered at the back of my head. This had happened before. Even though it was long time ago, it still happened and almost the same. Melissa was sleeping just right there. If I didn't kiss her 10 years ago, probably nothing would have happened now. It was my courage back then that led us both to this state, and I should try to finish it the way I wanted.

I presented my soul to God at that time. I didn't care of what would happen to me after this. I would just let the universe play its tricks on me like it usually did, because I was that powerless and blind. I went for a deep breath, exhaled it in one go and I took her hanging hand by her wrist.

Getting up, I pushed her hand and sneaked myself in. I placed my legs first, tangling them with Melissa's and I laid my head on her arm that was lying on the cushion. I looked for her other hand to wrap it around my waist later, and I snuggled into her.

I pushed myself forward, gripping by her waist with my left hand. I had her so tight in my arm that I didn't want to let go. Our skin touched as my forehead pressed against her chin. Keeping my eyes shut, I ignored all the possibilities that could happen since I wanted to hug her so bad.

Then I heard her whimper, probably waking up since her sleep got disturbed.

She exhaled loudly, shifting to adjust the position like how she was comfortable with. That was what I thought at first. But Melissa scooted to the back so I would have enough room since I was at the edge of the sofa bed. Her hand that was hung like it was lifeless earlier now wrapped itself around my shoulders, pulling me close and I moved to her at the same time.

It was strong. There was no softness in the way she pulled me, but that was okay. At least she didn't push me off or anything. She closed her arms until there was no enough room for my body to go, almost squeezing me into that tight space in between us. The strength she put on my body didn't feel like it would loose at any moment, making me wonder if she was okay.

Did you miss me that much, Lisa?

The tighter the space, the closer I got to everything that was on her. This was sort of like the first hug we had after 10 years of not meeting each other. She had grown so much, obviously, since her body felt different now. The frame had expanded along with her chest; so broad and leaned. Her arms felt different. They were stronger with bigger bones and tight muscles. Her waist was small, just enough for me to hug her just by one hand and it felt so right.

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