There's Nothing Holding Me Back

Start from the beginning

"I know what you're thinking, Junhui."

And there it is again. The voice that reels Junhui back into Minghao's cruel clutches accompanied by his mysterious gaze. Junhui still can't figure out what his gaze really holds. It could be longing, it could be fear, it could be love, Junhui might never know. He hates Minghao. He hates him so much, specially the way he withholds information about himself so Junhui would keep coming back for more, as if he wasn't already planning on following Minghao to the ends of the earth.

"I'm not uninterested in you. I just want to know you more first, so I turn your questions around and make you answer them." Minghao unbuttons the chest pocket on Junhui's shirt and gently places the flowers he plucked earlier inside it. "Please be patient with me. I'll tell you everything when the time comes."

Junhui's obviously lying. How could he hate someone so beautiful?

Then Minghao holds his hand with a small smile, his innocent doe eyes staring up at his companion as if asking for permission. Junhui smiles back, his frustration already melted away, and the boy takes it as his cue to start walking. Junhui takes in the sight of the boy walking in front of him. His blonde curls bouncing on top of his head, his dainty hand holding onto Junhui's calloused one, the way his head faces the sun like a beautiful yellow sunflower craving to be shined upon

This makes Junhui think, and he realizes that; yeah, he'd let this boy drag him anywhere in the world and he'd follow without question.

     And maybe I should stop and start confessing
     Confessing, yeah

Junhui just came out from a meeting with his company, and it would be an understatement to say that he's pissed. He's way beyond that adjective, no words can describe how incredibly upset he's feeling right now.

They were originally supposed to talk about J-Unit's upcoming concert, but Junhui took this as his chance to ask for approvalㅡno, he didn't need their approval. He was going to be with Minghao whether his company approved of their relationship or not.

But the thing isㅡthe thing is, his manager was extremely against his relationship, against Minghao. He called Minghao insulting names in front of the company CEO when Junhui showed them pictures of the boy he loves and told them the whole sappy story of how they met and how Junhui's knees go weak at the mere thought of him.

"Junhui, I can't let your relationship with that...boy come out in public. He looks like some random slutty prostitute you picked up from the streets. I suggest you end whatever connection you have with your little whore before he becomes the cause of your downfall."

His manager was the only person Junhui trusted in this whole company (besides his members Joshua and Jeonghan, of course) and he threw him under the bus just like that. Nobody can blame the Chinese boy for lividly walking out of the assembly room without another word. He just kept walking, his fingernails digging into the soft skin of his palms. He hated his manager for not seeing how beautiful Minghao is. He hated his members for not speaking up for him. He hated his CEO and the way he looked at Junhui as if he agreed with his manager's words. Junhui kept walking, his head faced down, letting his legs take him wherever they wish to go.

Junhui didn't even realize he was crying until he ran the back of his hand against his face and saw the smudged remains of his eyeliner on his skin. Looking around, it registered in his head that his legs took him to the place where he first saw Minghao. Junhui smiled a little at the thought of the boy, and he felt as if everything around him suddenly became colorful when he had thought of him.

He walked into the small coffee shop, cherishing the sound of the bell ringing when he opened the door, and sat on the table where he first approached Minghao. Everything in this place reminded him of the boy with curly hair. Minghao, Minghao, Minghao. The scent, the colors, the aura. They all screamed Minghao.

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