Chapter 1 ~ Bordeaux after Bordeaux.

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It was late Friday evening and Neal was just back from the Bureau when he seen Mozzie sitting at his kitchen table drinking countless bottles of Bordeaux. Neal sighs.

"Moz how many times have I told you I don't mind you hanging around here and keeping June company but for the love of god stop drinking my Bordeaux."

"Ah yes the Bordeaux."
Mozzie says as he looks at the almost empty bottle. "I must say Caffrey you do have impeccable tastes when it comes to wine, women on the other hand.."

Neal sits down and pours himself a glass not bothering to re-cork the bottle while ignoring Mozzie's latest comment about his love life.

A few hours, and a few bottles of wine pass. Neal and Mozzie are in another one of their heated friendly disagreements.

"Moz you don't get it, this girl she gets inside you're head, she try's to manipulate your every thought until she gets what she wants, it's so frustrating."

Mozzie looks at him with a grin from behind his wine glass. "Oh Neal my boy, last time I heard you say such words about a girl you were taking about our good friend Alex Hunter." He takes a sip before he continues.
"And we all know how that turned out." He says with a wink.

"This is different Moz she makes it her lifes mission to ruin my day."

Mozzie downs the last of the fourth bottle and replies, "if I didn't know better I'd say you were describing yourself."

"Moz I'm serious, I mean did you know she's still hounding me about that stolen Raphael that I took."

"Allegedly." Mozzie adds.

"And now Peter wants me to help her with the Gretsoni case in my free time, this will be the worst week of my life since I left prison"

"More like pulled off the most daring escape of the decade with little to no planning." Mozzie replies.

"Yeah well desperate times." Neal says to Mozzie with a grin.

Mozzie begins to get up a bit tipsy. "Well Caffrey my boy I should head, the great Mozzie Empire wont run itself."

And with that Mozzie gets up and leaves the house with a curtesy nod to June on his way.


The next morning Neal woke up to a firing knock on his door. Neal sighed and got up out of his bed. He pulled on a pair of loose fitted elastic pyjama bottoms around his toned v-line and went to the door. When he pulled the door open Sara Ellis was standing on the receiving end with an elegant orange dress that complemented her red hair very nicely.

"Caffrey," Sara said with a nod as she walked daringly close to him as she passed and entered into his apartment uninvited.

"Sara.. what are you doing here," Neal said with a furrowed brow.

"Peter gave me your address"

"And that explains why you're here at this ungodly hour how?"

"Well Caffrey we better get to work on this case, it's not going to solve itself," She said very mater of factly. "Hurry up and put some clothes on so we can get going."

    Sara took into account his appearance and couldn't help but notice how ruggedly handsome he was in the morning light

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Sara took into account his appearance and couldn't help but notice how ruggedly handsome he was in the morning light. 'Come on at least he could've put on a shirt when he had a visitor', she thought to herself. His hair was very messy as if he'd just gotten up and his eyes looked tired. She then noticed the multiple empty bottles of wine on his table and couldn't help but wonder who helped him finish them off.

"Up late last night" she asked him curiously.

"Yeah well when I have intrusive friends who don't understand boundaries it's hard to get much sleep."

Sara couldn't help but smile at the irony.

Neal began to tidy up a bit and make his bed while he continued the conversation.

"Anyway," Neal continued "why couldn't you just wait for me to get into the bureau, I'm more than capable of making my own way."

"I was, but you were taking too long and I couldn't stand all the grilling from Jones."

"Grilling about what?" Neal asked.

"Oh you haven't heard, I got a promotion I'm moving to England at the end of the summer to be head of Sterling Bosche's London branch."

"So no more interrogating me for the alleged stolen Raphael." Neal said with a look of delight.

"Caffrey don't you worry I have many people to keep my eyes and ears on you."

"What does a man have to do to get some privacy around here." Neal said throwing his hands in the air in a jokingly surrendering manner.

"Here's a thought, maybe don't steal a priceless piece of art from one of Sterling Bosche's clients."

"Allegedly steal," Neal corrected her.

Neal's original thought on her leaving was happiness as he would no longer be annoyed, hounded and bothered by this incisive red head. However as the thought sunk in he suddenly felt a twinge of sadness. He realized the fun and banter he had with this girl would soon be gone.

After Neal got dressed into a suit with one of his iconic hats the two of them made their way to the bureau in silence.


• This is the first thing I have ever written so if you have any constructive criticism please let me know but keep it positive
• Sorry this is a short chapter I will work on making them longer in the future.
• Will update very soon and feel free to message me to encourage me to update sooner.
• If you love white collar as much as me please vote, like and comment. :)

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