"She's on her way here!" Selena said locking her phone, I nodded my head focusing on the tree, Selena joined me and we started to hang them on it.

20 minutes later, the bell rang, Selena went to open it and a couple of seconds later a beautiful Antonella came it with a grin on her face, i grinned back pulling her into a hug

"Anto you look beautiful as always!" I commented smiling

"Thank you! You look gorgeous!" She gushed, I smiled thanking her

"What about me?! Don't I look hot?!" Selena asked, we bursted out laughing and Selena pouted

"You look beautiful too Selly!" Tony said, she grinned satisfied

"Oh wow! The tree is big!" Tony said cranking her neck and stepping a few steps back to look at the tree full length

"Hm yeah.." I said smiling

"Well!! Let's start working shall we?? We have a lot of things to do!" She said, pulling up the sleeves of her oversized sweater up to her elbows and rubbing her hands together, I laughed nodding my head

"We sure do.."


Us three plopped on the couch tiredly

"Well.. Atleast we finished" Selena mumbled tiredly

"True.. And the room looks so breathtaking.." Tony said and I nodded my head agreeing with her (the living room is the picture on the side)

"It's so cozy I just want to sleep on the couch and never wake up! I just love coziness!" Selena said burying her self deeper on the couch, I nodded my head smiling

"Well we are going to have plenty of coziness tonight" I said sighing tiredly

"True true.." Tony said closing her eyes

"Well the decorations are done, the food is in the oven, and we have 1 hour to kill.. Any suggestions?" Selena asked

"Sleep.." Tony mumbled

"Haha yeah!" I said smiling

On the cue, the front door opened, mandy and mesut entered, she froze in her tracks her mouth wide open and her eyes about to pop

"Wha..? This is so beautiful.." She stuttered

"It is wonderful.." Mesut said grinning

"Why thank you!" Selena said in a posh accent, I rolled my eyes grinning

"Hey Anto!!" Mandy greeted

"Mandy! Hey!" Tony said grinning

"Hopefully they food is ready!" Mandy said

"It's in the oven! I'm gonna go and check on them!" Selena said.

"Me too!" Tony said following her to the kitchen and mandy right in her trail

"Good don't go! I need to talk to you!" Mesut whispered

"What's up?" I said, he pulled out a black box from his pocket opening it

"This is for tonight.. For mandy.. I'm proposing.." He said grinning

"Oh my god.. This is beautiful.. Mandy is a very lucky girl!" I said looking at the beautiful diamond ring

"Thank you.. Hopefully she'll like it.. I'm really nervous.." He said putting the box back in his pocket

"Don't be.. Mandy adores you and you adore her!! Tonight is going to be perfect!" I said grinning

"Hopefully.." He said sighing

"Well the food is ready and the rest will be here any second!" Mandy said coming out of the kitchen, mesut wrapped his arms around her kissing her temple, she blushed rolling her eyes

"You guys are adorable.." I said smiling

"We know.." Mesut said smirking, she smacked him on the arms sighing

"Well! Everything is set!!" Selena said coming out of the kitchen with tony following her behind, and just on time the doorbell rang!

"YAY! They are here!" Selena said grinning..


Hey guys!

Excuse my late update

I'm sorry I couldn't make it longer but it's 2:30 am here and tomorrow is Eid

So Happy Eid to all of the Muslims out there!!

And btw a quick note.. I'm gonna post the first chapter of my new story tomorrow!!

I'm so excited!! I won't tell you who is the guy that I chose so you'll see tomorrow!

The title is called "Bitter Sweet" and the main girl is going to be played by Miranda Kerr :D

So hope you like the chappie and I already wrote the next chapter so it's going to be post tomorrow hopefully

But can I get 55 votes and 20 comments??



-Tala xoxo


What happened to Forever? (Sequel to YHMH)Where stories live. Discover now